Fluxus or Fluxus related
publications available for research at the Artpool Library
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fluxus vagy fluxussal kapcsolatos kiadványok,
General books, special
issues or catalogs
könyv, katalógus, folyóirat különszám
Andersen, Eric - Robert Filliou - Pino Paschali - Knud Pedersen: Divide Denmark. Del Danmark, Vintens Forlag og Kunstbiblioteket, Copenhagen (?), 1971, 12 p, ill, b&w
[Art Action / Dick Higgins] Inter Art Actuel, No. 73, 1999 Spring-Summer
Arte portatile, Circolo Culturale Il Gabbiano, La Spezia (Italy), 1993, ca 30 p, ill., b&w
Baroni, Vittore: Arte Postale. Guida al network della corrispondenza creativa, AAA Edizioni, Bertiolo (Italy), 1997, 250 p., ill., b&w
Beauvais, Yann - Miles McKane (eds.): Mot: dites, image, Scratch - Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre George Pompidou, Paris, 1988, 71 p., ill., b&w
Bech, Marianne (ed.): Festival of Fantastics. Roskilde. Mai 27th - June 2nd 1985, Galleri Sct. Agnes, Roskilde (Denmark), 1985, 39 p., ill., b&w
Berner, Jeff (ed.): Aktual Art International. Posters, Manifestos, Objects, Drawings, Collages, Lithographs, Books, Photographs, Happenings kits, Periodicals, Memorabilia and Ephemera. Neo-Dada, Concretisme, Lettrism, Spatialism, the mediocres, Fluxus, de-coll/age, etc., Standford Art Book 8, Standford University, Department of Art & Architecture, Palo Alto, California, 1967, 24 p., ill., b&w
Block, René (ed.): 1962 Wiesbaden Fluxus 1982. Dokumente, Objekte, environments, Filme, Konzerte, Aktionen. 17. September bis 14. november 1982. Vorabdruck. Auszüge aus dem Katalog "1962 Wiesbaden Fluxus 1982", Harlekin Art, Wiesbaden - Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD, Berlin, 1982, ca 150 p., ill., b&w
Block, René (ed.): Fluxus in Deutschland. Eine lange Geschichte mit vielen Knoten. Fluxus in Deutchland 1962-1994, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1995, 266 p., ill., color
Block, René (ed.): Revue Rendez-Vous. Ein Korrespondenz-Stück aus den Jahren 1965 bis 1967 von S. D. Sauerbier, von und mit Fluxus Künstlers, in Auszügen publiziert anläßlich der Austellung "Eine lange Geschichte mit vielen Knoten. Fluxus in Deutschland 1962-1994", Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1995, 8 p., ill., b&w
Block, René (ed.): The Readymade Boomerang: Certain Relations in 20th Century Art, The Eighth Biennale of Sydney, Sydney, 1990, 511 p, ill., color and b&w
Block, René (ed.): The Readymade Boomerang. The Eight Biennale of Sydney. Print Portfolio and Documentation, Daadgalerie, Berlin - Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, 1992, 112 p, ill., mainly b&w
Block, René - Elisabeth Delin Hansen (eds.): Samling. Sammlung. Collection. Block, Statens Museum for Kunst, Kobenhavn, 1992, 287 p., ill.
Block, Ursula - Michael Glasmeier (eds.): Broken Music. Artists' Recordworks, Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD - Gelbe Musik, Berlin, 1989, 278 p., ill., b&w
Brame, Mireille - Halbert Jacques - Ken Friedman (eds.): Events, Art Café Revue, Vol.1, No. 2, 1985 October, ca 15 p., ill., b&w
Brandes - Uta Erlhoff - Michael Erlhoff - Paul Komor - Harald Welzer (eds.): m.u.(z.i.e.k.)2, Zweitschrift, No. 8, 1981 Spring
Brollo, Boris: Sinfonie Spiate. Tried Symphonies, Biblioteca Cominiana, 1997
Bussmann, Georg (ed.): Kunst und Politik, Kunsthalle, Basel, 1971, ca 120 p., ill. b&w
Chiessi, Rosanna (ed.): Pari & Dispari. 25 anni di seduzione, Sala Giardino Civici Musei, Reggio Emilia, 1995
Chopin, Henri: Poesie Sonore Internationale, Jean-Michel Place Éditeur, Paris, 1979, 309 p., ill., b&w
Crouwel, Wim (ed.): Klankteksten. Konkrete poëzie? Visuele Teksten. Sound Texts. Concrete Poetry? Visual Texts. Akustische texte. Konkrete Poesie? Visuelle Texte, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1971, 230 p., ill., b&w
Deceukelier, Marleen - Sony van Hoecke (eds.): Ponton. Temse, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Gent, 1990, 127 p., ill., color and b&w
Deceukelier, Marleen - Sony van Hoecke (eds.): Signaturen, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Gent, 1988, ca 200 p., ill., color and b&w
Deecke, Thomas (ed.): Avantgarden Retrospektiv, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, 1980, 202 p., ill., b&w
Delehanty, Suzanne (ed.): Soundings, Neuberger Museum - State University of New York - College at Purchase, Purchase, New York, 1981, 96 p., ill., b&w
Della Grazia, Paolo - Ugo Carrega - Vincenzo Accame - Vittorio Fagone: Archivio della Grazia di Nuova Scrittura, Archivio di Nuova Scrittura, Milano, 1989, ca 140 p., ill., b&w
Di Maggio, Gino - Ben Vautier (eds.): Fluxus International & C°, Multhipla, Milan - Direction des Musées de Nice, Action Culturelle Municipale, Nice, 1979, ca 80 p., ill., b&w
Di Maggio, Gino - Ben Vautier (eds.): Fluxus International & C°, Multhipla, Milan - Association Musée d'Art Moderne, Genève, 1980, ca 80 p., ill., b&w
Dienst, Rolf-Gunter: Noch Kunst, Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1970, 228 p., ill., b&w
Donation Vicky Rémy. Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne, Kanal Europe, Supplément No. 1, 1993 January
Donguy, Jacques: 1960-1985. Une génération. (Poésie concrète. Poésie sonore. Poésie visuelle), Editions Henri Veyrier, 1985, 236 p., ill., b&w
Donguy, Jacques: Le geste à la parole. Entretiens avec Julien Blaine, Jean-Luc Parant, Bernard Heidsieck, Michèle Métail, Robert Filliou, Jean-François Bory, Thierry Agullo, Paris, 1981, 213 p., ill., b&w
Dossier Fluxus, Canal. Arts et expressions culturelles, No. 21, 1978 October
Drucker, Johanna: The Century of Artist's Books, Granary Books, New York, 1995, 377 p., ill., b&w
Eaton, Manford L.: Bio-Music, Something Else Press, Barton, Brownington, Berlin, 1974, 65 p
Ehling, Brigitte (ed.): Détente, Verein Ausstellungsorganisation, Wien, 1991, 112 p., ill., color and b&w
Ferro, Antonio: Arte marginale e marginalità dell'arte. La Post-avanguardia, Museo del Sannio, Benevento, 1978, ca 50 p., ill., b&w
Fluxus, Département des Arts, CEGEP de Sainte- Foy, Sainte- Foy, P. Québec, 1983 May
[FLUXUS] Flash Art, No. 84-85, 1978 October- November, ill. b&w
Fridfinnsson, Hreinn - Jón Gunnar Árnason - Magnus Pálsson (eds.): Súm á Listahátíd i Reykjavik. Súm at the Reykjavik Art-festival, 1972 Galeria Súm, Reykjavik, 1972, ca 200 p., ill., b&w
Friedman, Ken (ed): Fluxus Virus 1962-1992, Galerie Schüppenhauer, Köln, 1992, 399 p, ill., b&w
Friedman, Ken (ed.): The Fluxus Perormance Workbook (sic!), El Djarida Magazine (special issue), 1990, 63 p.
Friedman, Ken - Peter Frank (eds.): Young Fluxus, Artists Space, New York, 1982, ca 50 p., ill., b&w
Furlong, William: Audio Arts. Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Art, Academy Editions, London, 1994, 144 p., ill., color and b&w
Geirlandt, Karel J. - Blaise Gautier - Robert de Smet - Yves Gevaert - Alfred Pacquenet (eds.): 12 x 1, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles, 1975, ca 50 p., ill., b&w
Giroud, Michel (ed.): Transes-figurations, Centre d'Art Contemporain Pablo Neruda, Corbeil-Essonnes (France), 1988, 36 p., ill., color és b&w
Guardare a fiuto. Proposta N. 4, Circolo Culturale Il Gabbiano, La Spezia (Italy), 1993, ca 100 p., ill., b&w
Gudmundsson, Sigurdur - Frits Keers - Gijs van Tuyl (eds.): Súm IV, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam, 1971, ca 60 p., ill., b&w
Hansen, Al: A Primer of Happenings & Time/Space Art, Something Else Press, Inc., New York - Paris - Cologne, 1965, 145 p., ill., b&w
Held, John, Jr.: Mail Art: An Annotated Bibliography, N.J., Metuchen - The Scarecrow Press, London, 1991, 534 p.
Helms, Dietrich: Künstlerreliquiar. Bestandsaufnahme, Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach (Germany), 1984, ca 50 p.
Hendricks, Jon - Jean Toche: GAAG. The Guerilla Art Action Group,1969-1976. A Selection, 1978, ca 300 p., ill., b&w
Henri, Adrian: Total Art: Environments, Happenings, and Performance, Praeger Publishers, New York - Washington, 1974, 216 p., ill., b&w
Henson, Barbara (ed.): Fluxus and After..., Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, 1993, 47 p., ill., mainly b&w
Higgins, Dick - Wolf Vostell: Fantastic Architecture, Something Else Press Inc., New York, 1969, s.p., ca 180 p., ill., b&w
Higgins, Dick - Wolf Vostell: Poparchitektur. Concept Art, Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1969, s.p., ca 180 p., ill., b&w
Hoffberg, Judith A.: Umbrella. The Anthology. 1978-1998 Umbrella Editions, 1999, 164 p., ill., b&w
Hughes, Patric - George Brecht: Vicious Circles and Infinity. A Panoply of Paradoxes, Jonathan Cape LTD, London, 1976, 104 p., ill., b&w
Hundertmark, Armin (ed.): 25 Jahre Edition Hundertmark 1970-1995, Edition Hundertmark, Köln, 1995, ca 150 p, ill. mainly b&w
Hundertmark, Armin - Dietmar Kirves (eds.): 10 Jahre Edition Hundertmark 1970-1980. Berlin - Köln, DAADgalerie, Berlin, 1980, 214 p., ill. b&w
Jappe, Elisabeth: Performance. Ritual. Prozeß. Handbuch der Aktionskunst in Europa, Prestel-Verlag, München - New York, 1993, 219 p., ill., mainly b&w
Jaschke, Gerhard (ed.): [Fluxus], Freibord. Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kunst, Vol. 15, No. 73 (special issue), 1990 March, 71 p., ill., b&w
Joachimides, Christos M.- Norman Rosenthal (eds.): Art into Society Society into Art. Seven German Artists, Institut of Contemporary Arts and Authors, London, 1974, 94 p., ill., b&w
Kahn, Douglas - Gregory Whitehead (eds.): Wireless Imagination. Sound, Radio, Avant-Garde, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts)- London, 1992, 452 p.
Kamperelic, Dobrica: Umetnost KAO Komunikacija, Grafopublik, Zemun (Yugoslavia), 1992, 199 p., ill., b&w
Kellein, Thomas - Jon Hendricks (eds.): Fluxus, Thames and Hudson, London, 1995, 142 p., ill., b&w
Kirby, Michael: Happenings. An Illustrated Anthology, E. P. Dutton Inc., New York, 1965, 287 p., ill., b&w
Kontakt. Od kontemplacji do agitacji. Contact. From Contemplation to Agitation. Exhibition at Palace of Art Kraków. June- August 1980, Kraków, 1980, ca 100 p., ill., b&w
Kostelanetz, Richard (ed.): Aural Literature Criticism, Precisely, No. 10-11-12, R. K. Editions, New York - Edmonton, Alberta, 1981, 192 p.
Kretzer, Ernst (ed.): Der gute Ton zum schönen Bild, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg - Kunsthaus, Hamburg, 1989, 72 p, ill., b&w
Krinzinger, Ursula (ed.): Fluxus Subjektiv, Galerie Krinzinger, Wien, 1990, ca 200 p., ill., b&w
Kultermann, Udo: Leben und Kunst. Zur Funktionen der Intermedia, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen, 1970, 210 p., ill., b&w
Lander, Dan - Micah Lexier (eds.): Sound by Artists, Art Metropole and Walter Phillips Gallery, Toronto - Banff (Canada), 1990, 385 p., ill., b&w
Lippard, Lucy R. (ed.): Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972..., Praeger Publishers, New York - Studio Vista, London, 1973, 272 p., ill., b&w
Loeffler, C. E. (ed.): International Rubber Stamp Exhibition, in: Front, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Special Catalog Edition), 1976 May, 12 p.
Loeffler, Carl E.- Darlene Tong (eds.): Performance Anthology. Source Book for a Decade of California Performance Art, Contemporary Arts Press, San Francisco, 1980, 500 p., ill., b&w
Lyons, Joan (ed.): Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook, Visual Studies Workshop Press, Rochester, New York, 1993, 269 p., ill., b&w
Marchart, Oliver: Neoismus. Avantgarde und Selbsthistorisierung, Edition Selene, Klagenfurt - Wien, 1997,127 p., ill., b&w
Marika Malacorda (ed.): Genève. 10 Expositions 1976-1978, Galerie Marika Malacorda, Genève, 1978
Martel, Richard (ed.): Art Action 1958-1998, Editions Intervention, Québec, 2001, 496 p., ill., b&w
Mats B. (ed.): Fluxus. The Development of an Antidote. An exhibition curated by Mats B., Galleri Stenström, Stockholm, 1992, ca 40 p, ill., b&w
Mayor, David (ed.): Fluxshoe, Beau Geste Press, Langford Court South Cullompton, Devon (England), 1972, 144 p., ill., b&w
Mayor, David (ed.): Schmuck Iceland (No. 2), Beau Geste Press, Langford Court South Cullompton, Devon (England), 1972
Milman, Estera (ed.): Fluxus and Friends: Selections from the Alternative Traditions in the Contemporary Arts Collection, The University of Iowa, Museum of Art, Iowa, 1988, ca 10 p., ill. b&w
Moeglin-Delcroix, Anne: Esthétique du livre d´artiste. 1960/1980, Jean-Michel Place - Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, 1997, 389 p., ill., mainly b&w
Montenovesi, Antonella: Gli Artisti dei Films di Sarenco, Isaia Mabellini Editore, Monteforte d'Alpone (Italy), 1987, 24 p., ill., color
Moore, Peter: Photographs, Gallery 360°, Tokyo, 1989
Morrow, Bradford (ed.): The Music Issue, Conjunctions, No. 16, 1991, 350 p., ill., b&w
Mussa, Italo (ed.): La Scrittura, Mostra Itinerante, Roma, 1976, 102 p., ill., b&w
Nagiscared, Sophie (ed.): L'art du tampon, Musée de la Poste, Paris, 1995, 92 p. ill., b&w
Nyman, Michael: Experimental Music. Cage and beyond, Studio Vista, London, 1974, 154 p., ill., b&w
Page, Suzanne - Françoise Chatel (eds.): Boîtes, ARC 2 Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris - Maison de la Culture, Rennes, 1976, ca 200 p, ill., b&w
Papp, Tibor (ed.): Polyphonix 10, L'Association Polyphonix, Paris, 1986, 32 p., ill., b&w
Pedersen, Knud (ed.): Excellent 1992. A la carte, Konsthall, Malmö, 1991, ca 20 p., ill., b&w
Phillpot, Clive - Jon Hendricks: Fluxus. Selections from the Gilbert and Lia Silverman Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1988, 64 p., ill., b&w
Polyphonix 5 Italia. Festival internazionale di poesia' diretta', video, musica, performances, danza e teatro, Milano Teatro Carcano, Milano, 1983, 26 p, ill., b&w
Punti di vista. Proposta N. 5, Circolo Culturale Il Gabbiano, La Spezia (Italy), 1994, kb. 100 p., ill., b&w
Reed, Sims - Marcus Cambell (eds.): Contemporary Art. Artists Books & Documentation, Sims Reed Ltd, London, 1996, kb. 130 p., ill., color
Ria, Antonio: Poesia diretta, Mazzotta, Milano, 1992, 142 p., ill., b&w
Rillo: Finders Keepers, Left Hand Books, s.l. 1992
Ruhé, Harry: Fluxus, the most Radical and Experimental Art Movement of the Sixties, 'A', Amsterdam, 1979, ca 500 p., ill., b&w
Sarenco (ed.): Fluxus. S. P. Q. R., Factotumbook 44, Isaia Mabelli Editore, Monteforte d´ Alpone, 1990, ca 200 p., ill., mainly color
Sarenco (ed.): Fluxus. S. P. Q. R., Adriano Parise Editore Stampatore, Colognola ai Colli, 1990, ca 200 p., ill., mainly color
Sarenco - Paul de Vree (eds.): Factotum Art, Edizioni Factotum-Art, Calaone-Baone, 1978-1979
Scotti, Roland (ed.): Fluxus & Concept Art: Sammlung Beck, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 1991, 94 p., ill., mainly color
Sellem, Jean (ed.): [Fluxus] Lund Art Press. Vol. 1, No. 4, 1990 Summer-Autumn
Sellem, Jean (ed.): Fluxus Research, Lund Art Press, Vol. 2, No. 2 (special issue), 1991
Sohm, Hans - Harald Szeeman (eds.): Happening & Fluxus, Koelnischer Kunstverein, Koeln, 1970, ca 400 p., ill., b&w
Súm III, Galeria Súm, Reykjavik (Iceland), 1969, ca 40 p., ill., b&w
Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michaer Sumner (eds.): The guests go in to supper. John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Charles Amirkhanian, Michael Pappe, K. Atchley, Burning Books, San Francisco, 1986, 383 p., ill., b&w
The Record as Artwork from Futurism to Conceptual Art. The Collection of Germano Celant, The Fort Worth Art Museum, Forth Worth, 1977, 121 p., ill. b&w
Vostell, Wolf (ed.): Décollage. Bulletin aktueller Ideen, No. 3, 1962 December, ca 60 p., ill., b&w
W.O.R.K.S (Holyoke, Rick - Clive Robertson - Sue Robertson - Judith Woodrow - Paul Woodrow): A Conceptographic Reading of Our World Thermometer, W.O.R.K.S , Calgary - Alberta, Canada, 1973, 76 p., ill., b&w
Welch, Chuck: Networking Currents. Contemporary Mail Art Subjects and Issues, Sandbar Willow Press, Boston, 1986, 145 p., ill., b&w
What to Look for in a Book - Physically & Catalogue 1965-66, Something Else Press, New York - Paris - Cologne, 1966, 16 p., ill, b&w
updated: Dec. 2000
General books, special
issues or catalogs / Általános könyv,
katalógus, folyóirat
articles, essays / Általános folyóiratcikkek,
bibliographies / Művész-bibliográfiák
about Fluxus in Hungarian / Magyar nyelvű fluxus