
WHAT IS THE UNDERGROUND? Unofficial art. A cultural "movement" which neither supports nor attacks the establishment but is rather outside of it. If it attacked the establishment, it would be acknowledging its existence. If it were a true organized movement, it would be playing the games of the superficial world. It does not ban its followers from addressing political themes, since, as a general rule, it neither forbids nor commands, and the emergence of such themes are always the private affair of the respective artist. The coordinates of the underground are free-moving coordinates.


What does the Hungarian underground want?

It wishes to be art that is unidentifiable, defies analysis, remains an outsider, and which cannot be appraised and corrupted. A PRIVATE ART.

Who does it address? Itself. One artist to another. Everyone who has a positive interest in it.

It does not seek recognition, but when recognition comes, it is appreciated.


What are the relationships like between those in underground? – Those of friendship.


The underground is anonymous. The underground is intensive. The underground cares nothing about fame, authenticity and copyright.

Underground is both wise and silly. Underground is indistinct. Underground luxuriates in freedom.

Whoever wishes, sign below!

                                Béla Hap


Béla Hap: Soft-spoken Hungarian Underground Manifesto,  Szétfolyóirat (Expresszió. Önmanipuláló Szétfolyóirat) [EXPRESSION – A Self-manipulating Spreadiodical (from the words ‘spread’ and ‘periodical’)], 1973 (Source: the copy in Artpool).

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