Installation Project 98 · Installáció Projekt 98

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(1) How long have you been making installations?

I have been making installations since 1982 when I started to create visual art (after my first experimental and visual poems). I created visual poetry/collages and when I started my involvement with the Mail-artnetwork in 1984 I felt that I could realize artworks with several techniques and media: collage and occassionnaly wooden sculpture, and also installation. For the First Internat. Biennal of Visual and Experimental Poetry in Puebla (Mexico) 1986, I realized the “Homage to Beuys” installation and I realized a super-8 of this installation (see xerox of photograph) in our garden in Hombeek, Mechelen, B.

(2) Why did you choose to make installations and not anything else?

I did choose to make an installation because I wanted the implementation of a particular artefact in a certain context. That’s why I want to realize the hanging of my collective mail-artprojects in certain places because they will be installation (see Postkunst Mechelen 1996 /in a cultural centre/ and Faydherbe Anders Bekeken MAIL-ART in 1997 /in the garden of the municipal museum/).

(3) What do you think of your own works?

I think my own works are collective works because mail-art installations are collective consciences of images that are implantations in a slick highimagemegaculture of today. I want people to think about the images. Visitors to our installation in the garden of the Sted. Museum Hof Van Busleyden were surprised and wondered about the plastic container flying in the wind. For quite some people in the public, this was all new, and they were introduced by the installation to go and see for themselves what was happening.

(5) What do you think of the relationship of traditional artwork and installation?

I think all experimental art can work together with traditional art; we sometimes work with traditional themes.

(11) Do you like making installation for order or at request?

I will gladly make a plan for every request of installation, now recently I worked on an idea for an installation in a small public garden where kids from all colours and race play together. I beleive in social-art.