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List of participants of the exhibiton
How do You Imagine the City of Compiegne?
France, 1991

List of participants: Guy Bleus, Rea Nikonova, Eric Andersen, Marie-José Acinas, Eric Bensidon, Julien Blaine, Ed. Chabreuil, Paule Charlemagne, Daniel Daligand, Flemaire, Flocore, Jean-Louis Gioja, Madmo, Pierre Marquer, Claude Miellet, Rémy Penard, W. Rouff, J.-Louis Vincendeau, Ruud Janssen, Vittore Baroni, Ruggero Maggi, Emilio Morandi, Archives: Fulgor C. Silvi, Shigeru Tamaru, L. Nicolas Guigou, Claudine Barbot, David Cole, Crackerjack Kid, Fagagaga Goofball, John Held, Carlo Pittore, Dobrica Kamperelic

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