8 July - 15 August 1970 - The exhibition of Attila Csáji, György Galántai, László Haris, József Magyar, József Molnár V., Oszkár Papp.

photographs of Haris László

22 July 1970 - Discussing and planning the foldout catalogue of the year in Budapest. It is printed by József V. Molnár who at the time worked as a printer.

26 July 1970 - Opening ceremony of Chapel Exhibition: introduction by conductor József Tóth
opening speech by poet and literary translator György Rónay. Adrienne Csengery sings to the lute played by András Kecskés. The programs held on Sundays, fortnightly, are organized by Zsuzsa Szőcs.

9 August 1970 - Attila Nagy recites poetry, Tibor Gyurkovits lectures on the relationship of poetry and painting, Béla Sztankovits plays the guitar.

16-25 August 1970 - Exhibition of István Demeter, László Haris, István Ilyés, József Magyar, Oszkár Papp, László Péterfy.