Artpool events - 21 May - 25 August 1993 - Artpool Archive



Exhibition by Gábor ALTORJAY, Miklós ERDÉLY and Tamás St.AUBY: 12 objects from the second half of the 60s, interpretation by László Beke.

preparations - Portable trench for three - Czech radioChess-preserve

opening of the exhibitionFlesh buttonScented magnetBoy's shirt's stays

During the exhibition presentation of the videotape and printed documents of the first Hungarian happening that took place 25 June 1966 called “LUNCH” (IN MEMORIAM BATU KHAN) A kiállítás ideje alatt megtekinthető volt az első magyarországi happening, "AZ EBÉD" (IN MEMORIAM BATU KÁN) 1966. június 25, videó, és nyomtatott dokumentumai.

3x4 > Gábor Altorjay > Miklós Erdély > Tamás St.Auby > invitation

Artpool events - 21 May - 25 August 1993 - Artpool Archive

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