In Artpool’s fifth decade today lasts from the day after tomorrow to the day before yesterday.
front garden -
front cellar -
pigsty -
wood storage -
back cellar -
living room -
kitchen -
covered courtyard 2000,
2020 -
upper attic -
back garden
upper attic/exhibition - György Galántai - site-specific chance - the integration of a piece of doubt by Gime and Syporca Whandal
(a pair (2) hard-neck leather boots, four parties (2x2) boot tree - the spirit of the boot, two pieces (2) rustic headboard - as a carrier, leaning against the roof)
upper attic/video - András Gimesi Gime / Syporca Whandal: REVOLUTION - CODE: URBEX - PROJECT: THE ZONE *42
upper attic/video - András Gimesi Gime / Syporca Whandal: REVOLUTION - CODE: URBEX - PROJECT: THE ZONE *42
back garden/exhibition - György Galántai - Interleg Spaces - molino
front garden -
front cellar -
pigsty -
wood storage -
back cellar -
living room -
kitchen -
covered courtyard 2000,
2020 -
upper attic -
back garden
2020➔ the integration of doubts/doubles and chance