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Pages from
Commonpress No. 3, Eroticism and Art
Mixed Media Edition, Kitzingen, Germany, March, 1978, 24 p. (Ed. by Peter Below)

Cover (This was the only case a price tag was printed on the cover of a magazine issue. Petasz as a coordinator was totally against it.)

Introduction and the list of participants

Work by Robin Crozier

Works by Klaus Richter, Miroslav Klivar, Bálint Szombathy, Katalin Ladik

Works by Janice Guy, Dr. H. Broeg

Works by Michele Perfetti, Wulle Konsumkunst & Max Eirich, Anna K. Loebner

Works by Eben Sterling, Ferro, Carioca, Johan van Geluwe

Works by Peter Below & Gwen Muschelman

Work by Dorothy Iannone

Works by Peter Below, Jürgen Elsasser, Ulises Carrión, Pawel Petasz

Back cover: Announcements for the next issues of Commonpress

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