- THE ARTPOOL, 1980, DIN A6, pp. 18, ofset, bookwork-like folder. The introductory publication of Artpool where the whole spectrum of the idea, the topics, the connections, the identity, the visual aspect can already be recognised. It is also the first appearance of some activities that gained more importance in the future (APS no. 1., POOL WINDOW no.1., etc.). (exchange)

- TEXTILE WITHOUT TEXTILE, 1980, the first Hungarian assembling of original works, in a variety of techniques, by 52 artists from different countries in 300 numbered copies. In a DIN A4 silk-screened folder. (exchange)

- POOL WINDOW, 1980-1982, 30 issues of a one-page newsletter for Hungarian artists mainly about mail art news (exchange)

- ART + POST, 1981, a series of four DIN A6 ofset booklets in approx. 200 copies, with Hungarian translations of articles and essays about correspondance art. This publication was intended to raise the interest of Hungarian artists to take part in the first mail art show organized only for Hungarian artists. The fourth booklet was also the catalog of the show. (exchange)

- ART-UMBRELLA, 1981, DIN A6, ofset - a postcard-book with 104 works by 33 Hungarian artists. An exchange publication of Artpool's Postcard Box, and the catalog of the show as well. (exchange)

- EVERYBODY WITH ANYBODY, 1982, DIN A5, ofset, rubberstamp, in a plastic bag, 300 numbered copies - a bookwork catalogue with photos, original rubber stamped sheets and with articles (in Hungarian and in English) by G. Galántai and M. Erdély on the rubber stamp event of the same title. Supplement: invitation and poster. (exchange)

- STAMP + RUBBER STAMP, 1982, 17x15 cm, silk screen, ofset, rubber stamp, cardboard cover - an anthology-like edition in 125 copies with original stamps and rubber stamps by 22 Hungarian artists who participated in both projects of Artpool. (exchange)

- WORLD ART POST, 1982, DIN A4 horiz., ofset, plastic silk-screened film cover, approx 900 copies. Catalogue of the World Art Post exhibition including 27 original stamp sheets issued by Artpool with stamp images by 550 artists, and essays and studies on artists' stamps by Peter Frank, E.F. Higgins III, and others (László Beke, J. & G. Galántai, Gábor Tóth, Rudolf Ungváry, Anna Wessely), and a comprehensive bibliography. (exchange)

- AL (Alternative/artpool Letter), 1983-1985 - Issues 1-9: DIN A5, issues 10 and 11: DIN A4, photocopy, ofset, rubber stamp, approx. 3-400 copies - a bookwork like samizdat art magazine in Hungarian with an English summary about art events and art people in Hungary and abroad. There is an English summary for each issue. The copies are all signed, numbered and cancelled with a G. GALÁNTAI - SELF CONTROL stamp.

- RADIO ARTPOOL, 1983-1987, 8 issues of a cassette edition of sound documentations and sound experiments (exchange)

- COMMONPRESS 51, “Hungary”, 1984, 24x21 cm, first fotocopied version in 25 copies, final edition: 1989, color ofset, 300 copies - a bookwork like catalog of the exhibition “Hungary Can Be Yours” with the participation of 110 artists. (exchange)

- ARTPOOL’S RAY JOHNSON BOOK / FOUR LETTERS, 1985, DIN A4, 120 pages, photocopied, 10 numbered copies. A publication of the “BUDA-RAY UNIVERSITY” project.

-TO LIVE IN A NEGATIVE UTOPIA (Negatív utópiában élni), 1982-1987, DIN A5, 34 pages, photocopied, 100 numbered copies. An edition of selected “answers” to Ray Johnson’s second “add to” letter sent to Artpool by 32 artists.

- RETURN TO SENDER (Vissza a feladónak), 1988, A/4, photocopies, 68 pages /68 envelopes returned from different countries/. A Mail Art bookwork about the esthetics of the postal service. (exchange)

- BRAIN BOOK, 1988, DIN A/6, photocopy, 16 pages, Mail Art bookwork by György Galántai with the use of visual material by different artists. (exchange)

- REMEMBRANCE OF A MESSAGE, 1988, DIN A5, 54 pages, photocopied bookwork by György Galántai as a tribute to Miklós Erdély. The book documents a performance by Galántai on the board of the Danube where he uses navy flag signs. The introduction in the book a text by Erdély: The Post-Neo-Avant-Garde Attitude. (exchange)


- Perneczky Géza: HOGY VAN AVANTGARDE HA NINCSEN -VAGY FORDÍTVA, (How There Can Be an Avantgard When There Isn’t One, or the Other Way Round), Vol. I and II. Köln, 1983, reprint of the photocopied self edition, Hungarian, 158 and 150 pages, 30 and 50 copies respectively

- SNOB INERNATIONAL, 1981-1985, (reprint), photocopied in 50-100 copies. Samizdat periodical of the New Wave and marginal art tendencies edited by Tamás Papp.
- SzNOB international, 81.12.4., DIN A4, 46 pages, photocopy reprint from the DIN A3 original by T. Papp
- SzNOB international, SPIONS Inc. 82.02.8., DIN A4, 67 pages, photocopy reprint from the DIN A3 original by T. Papp
- SzNOB international 3., DIN A4, 51 pages, photocopy reprint from the DIN A3 original by T. Papp
- SzNOB international, MYTH!, 1984, 25x20,5 cm, 151 pages photocopy reprint from the DIN A4 original by T. Papp
- SzNOB international, 1985?, HAJAS Tibor, DIN A5, 36 pages, photocopy reprint from the DIN A4 original by T. Papp

- IZZÓ PARÁZS (Live Coals), 1984, 21x21 cm, 37 pages, cardboard cover, 50 copies. Anthology of New Wave poems by György Kozma, Jenő Menyhárt, János Vető, Mihály Vig. Illustrations by Marietta Méhes, ed. by Enerva


- CAVELLINI IN CALIFORNIA AND IN BUDAPEST, 1980, DIN A4, 78 pages, color ofset. Cavellini's art diary, in which 10 pages describe his common project with Artpool (exhibition and performances in Budapest). The book was sent by Cavellini to members of his mail art network, thus making Artpool known world-wide.

- BÉLYEGFILM / STAMPFILM, 1982-83, 16 mm, B&W, 36 min., prod. by Béla Balazs Studio, Budapest, dir. by G. Galántai. The stamp designs that were sent to the World Art Post competition were numbered in the order they arrived. This order determined the editing of the film, which is a sequence of still pictures. The sound, independent from the images, but at the same time connecting them, is a montage of sound works sent by the same participating artists.

- BÉLYEGKÉPEK / STAMP IMAGES, 1987, DIN A4, 24 pages, B&W ofset, cover: color ofset, catalog of the exhibition of Artpool's Artistamp Collection. Designed by G. Galántai, Study in English and Hungarian by G. Perneczky. Speciality of this publication that the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts has been the first important museum in the world to organise an exhibition of Artistamps and to publish a catalog worthy of the event. (exchange)

- PETRIfied forEAST 1990 (1994), 26x28,5 cm, 15+8+10 pages (set of three books in a paper case), limited edition of 225 copies, ofset-lithography, relief and silk-screen printing. The techniques of the pictures used in the publication are: photo, color photocopy, video-print, collage and computer images. In 1989 Artpool has been asked by the Visual Arts Research Studios of the Arizona State University to help to form a team for their visiting artists project: Freedom/Oppression: Central European Artists in Response. Three artists Peter Forgács, György Galántai and poet György Petri were invited to Arizona to collaborate with the staff of the Studios. Production was completed in the fall of 1993. Published by Arizona Board of Regents and the Visual Arts Research Studios, 1994. (exchange)