8-14 July 1973 - The exhibition of Gyula Gulyás and Goichi Kitagawa.
Gyula Gulyás:
Objective reality (open tube) • The big plug (Plug object) • Nest • Momentary solution
“I still don’t understand why this thing was turned into a political affair and why they saw it as rebelling against the system. That’s not what happened: we wanted to find a pure form, a pure form of art, and order. Our company had a desire to show that more than one trend can work in a country, within one nation, and we did want to attract the attention of the West, letting them see that we existed and we wanted to show that modern art was not dead in Eastern Europe; I think our generation built a bridge between East and West in the sixties and early seventies and we took responsibility for what we stood for.” [Gyula Gulyás, 1998]
15-21 July 1973 - Exhibiton of András Baranyay, Károly Botond, Péter Donáth, Ádám Kéri, János Nádasdy, László Paizs, András Orvos.