biological / biológiai


The footwear

Some years ago in 1997 I bought a cool pair of basketball shoes in Canada, I loved them very much and now I say that these shoes have become artworks. I send you the left one to exhibit it with this text and the advertising sheet enclosed of the medical drug preventing foot-fungus.
Once upon a time, we were playing football and Gabi Boriszov did not have proper shoes. I did not know about his foot-fungus because he didn’t let me know about it. I lent him my shoes to have something to put on and play football and he was sweating in it so my feet have also become fungous and stinky.
I am a stinky-footed man since 1997. I have already tried, in many ways, to get rid of the society living on my body, e.g.: with talcum powder, cyan, sunshine, medicine.
This summer I arrived at AnnART one day later so I missed the possibility to get in the INTERNATIONAL SMELL COLLECTION OF ARTISTS’ FEET.
On the first day all of the artists got a pair of arch supporters which they had to wear till the end of the festival and then – after signing – they had to return it to the public collection. These are now stored in a box. The odour of the ecumenical foot smell collection is much stronger than the smell of my one pair of feet.
According to this, we can see that senses affect people primarily quantitatively and not qualitatively.


28. 08. 1999.