Klaus Rinke and Monika Baumgartl (D):Primary Demonstration, 1971
Rinke and Monika Baumgartl. Primary Demonstrations (Time-Space-BodyActions).
Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, May, 1971 (Rep.) Time Measure/Time Position/body/head eyes ears nose mouth/neck/shoulder right left/arms elbows hands fingers/chest/back/spine/crotch/sex/legs right left/ thighs knees calves feet toes/. to lie to run/to stand to sit/to go to lie/ standing turned away/standing turned towards/standing sidewards/ to look at each other/to look away/to overlook/to see each other not at all/to look onto look round at/to look through/to look behind. wall/floor/space. distance/diagonals/center. horizontal-vertical. actions/gestures. masculine-feminine: |
transit/from starting point/to starting point. past/present/future: I you he she it we you they/will be are were. One moment of the future. To put a situation of today into the past, by whic h. it becomes present in the future. from the spring to the ocean. to go for water/to fill/to bring/to spout/to spill/to draw.
one day lived-experienced. |
past I will be I will be I will be I will be I am I am I am I am I was I was I was past |
I will be I will be I am I will be I will be I am I am I was I am I was I was present |
I will be I am I am I will be I will be I am I was I was I was I am I was future |