Az ARTPOOL MŰVÉSZETKUTATÓ KÖZPONT videóarchiválási projektjének keretében 2004 január és 2006 május között digitalizált videók (nyilvántartási szám és cím szerinti) listája.
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Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (DWNC 92)
Carlos Benpar - Manuel Walls: Bicèfal
Nicola Frangione
- 1. Fasti poiesis (10′30″)
- 2. Marra (5′49″)
Fusion EkGmbH
- 1. 40 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland (42′17″)
- 2. Concert sur passion (27′12″)
Simul - Bacon: Arbo Cyber, théâtre (?)
Georg Mühleck
- 1. African feedback (5′50″)
- 2. Data dump (8′10″)
I. Hazai Maművészeti Magazin
- 1. Bernáth(y) Sándor: Arcbőr (5′25″)
- 2. Gelencsér Sándor - Varkoly László: Tonzúrák (7′59″)
- 3. Koronczi Endre: Önevő (7′01″)
- 4. Waszlawik Gazember: Hir iszt májn autó (3′09″)
- 5. Természetes Vészek Kollektíva (8′01″)
- 6. Új Modern Akrobatika (5′38″)
- 7. Szkárosi & Konnektor: Megsemmisítő (8′46″)
Heinz H. R. Decker: Passion
Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (DWNC 92): NetshakerHarmonic Divergence (1.)
- 1. Netshaker Harmonic Divergence (2′44″)
- 2. Invitations (0′17″)
- 3. Documentation: Artist Book Edition (5′09″)
- 4. David Cole: The Plunger (7′10″)
- 5. Telenetlink from Guy Bleus (Wellen, Belgium) (4′42″)
- 6. „Rev. Paul” and the Krononauts (7′13″)
- 7. Birth Barque - A performance by Dina Dubois (8′01″)
- 8. „Rev. Paul”: Time Capsule (7′48″)
- 9. Capsule Burial and Performance (4′23″)
- 10. Spirit Mail Call (1′57″)
Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (DWNC 92): Netshaker Harmonic Divergence (2.)
- 11. Presenting The Netshaker Spirit Congress (23′08″)
- 12. The Face of the Congress (8′54″)
- 13. Gifts (4′07″)
- 14. Netshaker Spirit Circle (23′58″)
- 15. A Closing Chant (0′38″)
The Humane Society for Intellectual Necrophilia
- 1. Mental Cabinet of the Bizarre I. (18′05″)
- 2. Boris Nieslony (14′25″)
- 3. Installation party: Bizarre Christmas (20′30″)
The Endless Story of Fluxus I/1.
- 1. Dick Higgins on Fluxus (0′22″)
- 2. Dick Higgins on Dick Higgins (0′24″)
The Endless Story of Fluxus I/2.
- 3. Hommage à Filliou (0′56″)
The Endless Story of Fluxus I/3.
- 4. Festival of Fantastics (0′41″)
- 5. Milan Knizak (0′33″)
The Endless Story of Fluxus I/4.
- 6. Yoko Ono at Ubi Fluxus.. (0′20″)
- 7. Joe Jones interview (0′20″)
- 1. Giancarlo Pancaldi: Ferzacco racconta. Frammenti (11′10″)
- 2. STELARC: Copenhagen suspension (14′20″)
- 3. Værst: AFASI (11′25″)
- 4. Værst: Et moderne menneske (39′36″)
- 5. Værst: I dalen (In the valley) (33′)
- 6. Værst: Bjergbestigningen (Mountainclimbing) (9′32″)
- 7. Thou Art ‘84 (62′02″)
- 18 rövid darab.
- Résztvevők: Pier van Dijk, Carsten Schmidt-Olsen, Erik Liljenberg, Lis Langgard, Catherine Poher, Snorre & Mogens Otto Nielsen, Francisco Felipe, Stefan Karlsson, Johan Nordquist, Zbigniev Karkowski, Bjoern Hyldkrog, Poul Esting, Claus Hvass, Concha Jerez, Pedro Garhel, Rosa Galindo, The Golden Boys
Other sounds Vol. 1-14
- 1. Visiting Hugh Davies (19′05″)
- 2. Piano piece by G. Maciunas (13′35″)
- 3. Visiting LOGOS Foundation (20′45″)
Other sounds Vol. 1-14 / 2
- 1. Schwitters: Ursonata (23′30″)
- 2. Work in progress (15′71″)
- 3. 3 shots (32′42″)
Other sounds Vol. 1-14 / 3
- 1. Musica (18′30″)
- 2. Sound sculptures (15′25″)
- 3. Chairpiece (28′90″)
- 4. History of unheard music (23′51″)
Other sounds Vol. 1-14 / 4
- 1. Hexen (16′26″)
- 2. Bedroom concerto (10′33″)
- 3. Incremental flow (21′52″)
- 4. January day (29′30″)
Monty Cantsin’s Blood Campaign - actions performances 1979-1993
Logos Blad No.6
- 1. Tadashi Endo (31′13″)
- 2. Stichting Antartica (20′01″)
Nicola Frangione
- 1. Fasti Poiesis (11′56″)
- 2. Marra (5′56″)
- 3. Flavio Piras: Attoinform (14′45″)
- 4. Ritmi estatici (6′56″)
- 5. Giallo notturno 7 (18′24″)
- 6. L’arte è utile? (3′29″)
Vostell 60 (Rückblick 1992)
- 1. Aktionen (8′37″)
- 2. Environments (16′13″)
- 3. Papierarbeiten (5′32″)
- 4. Grafik & Multiples (5′59″)
- 5. Bilder (22′22″)
- 6. TV-Video & Intermedia (19′32″)
Paulo Bruscky: Xeroperformance
- [youtube]
- 1. Xeroperformance (0′54″)
- 2. Registros (3′56″)
Dmitry Babenko - Dmitry Maistrenko
Clemente Padín: Help Me to Stick (1995)
Jack Seiei: The Joke Project
- 1. The Joke Project (1′02″)
- 2. #9 (The secret of number 9) (1989) (4′14″)
- 3. CMS (1989) (1′48″)
- 4. Junk Video (1993) (1′56″)
Manoeuvre nomade
- 1. Berlin (5′42″)
- 2. Krakow (11′32″)
- 3. Budapest [youtube] (2′42″)
- 4. Genova (2′09″)
- 5. Marseille (4′25″)
- 6. Barcelona (2′13″)
- 7. Valencia (5′53″)
- 8. Aranda de Duero (9′)
Diane Landry: Performances
- 1. Patin sur place (4′16″)
- 2. 4 sisters (1 sur 4) (Chicoutimi) (2′45″)
- 3. Avec Charlotte (2′)
- 4. 4 sisters (1 sur 4) (Moncton) (2′29″)
- 5. Bouilloire-violon (3′02″)
- 6. 4 sisters (1 sur 4) (St-John’s) (4′)
Doyon/Demers: Catalogue vidéo
- 1. Aire de services (6′10″)
- 2. Gands pics noirs de musée (3′27″)
- 3. Numéros d’artistes - Metropolka (4′08″)
Roi Vaara: Shipping Crate
Roi Vaara: This is a bad performance
Roi Vaara: 4 pieces in Linz
- 1. Signature (2′28″)
- 2. Round Opposite (1′25″)
- 3. Secret Affairs (0′51″)
- 4. Forfeit (1′40″)
Lars Movin: The Misfits. 30 Years of Fluxus
Larry Miller: SOME FLUXUS - With George Maciunas
Fluxus Performances and Events (1978-1990)
Fluxus Performances and Events (1978-1990)
- 0. Larry Miller: SOME FLUXUS (0′01″)
- 1. Nam June Paik: One for Violin (Larry Miller) (1′23″)
- 2. Some Fluxus - performance excerpts (1′19″)
- 2. Interview with George Maciunas (1978) (14′34″)
- 3. Flux Concert (The Kitchen, New York, 1979) (0′05″)
- 3a. Milan Knizak: Snowstorm No.1 (0′23″)
- 3b. Robert Watts: Two Inches (0′55″)
- 3c. Yoko Ono: Wall Piece for Orchestra (0′46″)
- 3d. Philip Corner: Piano Work (0′40″)
- 3e. Larry Miller: Remote Music (0′44″)
- 3f. Robert Watts: F/H Trace (0′16″)
- 3g. George Brecht: Drip Music (0′58″)
- 3h. Dick Higgins: Constellation No.11 (1′05″)
- 3i. Ken Friedman: Card Music for Audience (0′45″)
- 3j. Emmett Williams: For La Monte Young (0′34″)
- 3k. Takehisa Kosugi: Micro (0′50″)
- 3l. Yoshi Wada: For the Memory of George Maciunas (0′31″)
- 3m. Ben Vautier: Apples (0′37″)
- 3n. Ken Friedman: Fruit in 3 Acts (0′44″)
- 3o. George Maciunas: Solo for Lips and Tongue (for Ensemble) (0′50″)
- 3p. George Brecht: Symphony No.3 (in the water) (0′55″)
- 3q. George Maciunas: In Memoriam to Adriano Olivetti (1′03″)
- 4. Flux Concert (Neuberger Museum, New York, 1983) (0′07″)
- 4a. George Maciunas: Piece for Conductor (0′50″)
- 4b. Yasunao Tone: Smooth Events (0′50″)
- 4c. Jean Dupuy: Good Evening (0′20″)
- 4d. Alison Knowles: Wounded Furniture (0′52″)
- 4e. Alison Knowles: Build a Bean Garden (0′51″)
- 4f. Jean Dupuy: Achoo! Atchoum! (0′17″)
- 4g. Larry Miller: Finger Exercice (0′50″)
- 4h. Ay-O: A Period (0′52″)
- 4i. Ay-O: Ha Hi Fu He Ho (0′34″)
- 5. Interview with George Maciunas (2.) (2′42″)
- 6. Flux Wedding (2′31″)
- 7. Flux Feast of Erotic Food (1′02″)
- 8. Flux Cabaret
- Nam June Paik, Yoshi Wada, Joe Jones, Jackson MacLow, Jean Dupuy & Olga Adorno, George Maciunas & Billie Hutching (6′51″)
- 9. More Fluxus Performance (0′06″)
- 9a. Ben Vautier (0′43″)
- 9b. Joe Jones (0′18″)
- 9c. Al Hansen (0′46″)
- 9d. Ben Patterson (0′29″)
- 9e. Milan Knizak (0′43″)
- 9f. Eric Andersen (0′39″)
- 9g. Yoko Ono (0′58″)
- 9g. Takako Saito (0′54″)
- 9h. Charlotte Moorman - Nam June Paik (0′48″)
- 9i. Ben Vautier (1′)
- 10. Dick Higgins: Gangsang (2′10″)
Július Koller - Rónai Péter: Nová váznost (1990-1991)
- 0. információ a kazettán szereplő összeállításról (1′)
- 1. Július Koller - Peter Rónai: Nová váznost [Új komolyság] c. performansz (1′)
- 2. Instalácia a koncert v Klariskách v Bratislave - Templomi performansz (7′53″)
- 2. Július Koller - Peter Rónai: Nová váznost [Új komolyság] c. installáció (4′25″)
- 3. Vody-art (a Flux-fest alkalmából Pozsonyban) - málnaszörp akció (11′46″)
- 4. Antiperformance - utcai akció (Nové Zámky - Érsekújvár) [youtube] (1′15″)
- 5. One And Three X ? (Nové Zámky - Érsekújvár) - utcai akció és székinstalláció (8′43″)
- 6. Príliv a odliv [Apály és dagály] - akció utcán és galériában (5′14″)
- 7. Na krásnom modrom Dunaji [A szép kék Dunán] (FMK, Budapest) (7′12″)
- 8. Inter-run (Bardejov) - akció parkban (3′11″)
- 9. Odpadová vlna [Szeméthullám] (Bratislava) - permanens manifesztáció Pozsonyban (6′57″)
Bartolomé Ferrando: Fragmentos
Larry Miller: 3 Video Works
- 1. 1 too (1986) (10′56″)
- 2. Sleep deep (1976) (3′07″)
- 3. The suitcase (1976) (30′40″)
Charles François: The networker’s loneliness
Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (DWNC 92):
“The Cookie Congress”
“The Cookie Congress”
- 1. Cruising to Maastricht (11′39″)
- 2. Walking to „Heaven 69” (3′05″)
- 3. Reception at tearoom „Heaven 69” (5′57″)
- 4. Morning workshop (24′15″)
- 5. Dining pause (18′06″)
- 6. Afternoon workshop (16′21″)
- 7. Final conclusions (11′35″)
Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress (DWNC 92):
“The Zoo Congress”
“The Zoo Congress”
- 1. Session announcement (1′5″)
- 2. Travelling to Antwerp (3′6″)
- 3. Antwerp: meeting at the zoo entrance (8′9″)
- 4. Antwerp: visiting the zoo (28′)
- 5. Antwerp: relaxing in the railway station bar (3′37″)
- 6. Antwerp: relaxing in a downtown café (8′21″)
Sacred run / Netrun crossing Belgium
Endre Tót: Joys
- 1. I am gladif I can walk back and forth (5′27″)
- 2. I am glad if I can do like this (0′16″)
- 3. I am glad if I can go one step (1′18″)
- 4. I am glad if I can do like this (0′29″)
- 5. I am glad if I can look at the wall (2′33″)
- 6. I am glad if.. (0′16″)
- 7. I am glad if I can lift my leg (1′30″)
- 8. I am glad if I can smile (a bit) (0′28″)
- 9. I am glad if I can cross my legs (1′01″)
- 10. I am glad if I can jump little bit (0′45″)
- 11. I am glad if I can stamp (3′55″)
- 12. I am glad if I can look at you (0′49″)
- 13. I am glad if I can saysentences (3′08″)
- 14. I am glad if I can film my shadow (10′58″)
Sabrina Lindemann: Lick your eyes
Guy Bleus: Value shredder
Guy Bleus: Audio performance
Miroslav Klivar: Video Stamp Art
Telefonkoncert Budapest - Wien - Berlin (1983)
Rilo Chmielorz, Palimpsest III, 1995
Installierte Rituale. Vernissage / Finissage
What Follows.. Steven Durland
David Vostell: The Being from Earth
CMC Cro Magnon’s Coke
- 1. Vörös földek (3′40″)
- 2. Relativitás (3′22″)
- 3. Ítélet (4′29″)
- 4. Ráz a csend (9′19″)
- 5. Kitalált helyek (3′25″)
- 6. Nincs tánc, nincs zene (4′45″)
Maurizio Nannucci: Not all at once (Kunstverein Kassel, 1993)
Sylvie Meno: New York City (1985)
- Robert Watlington, Bethany E. Jacobson, Dino Blanche, Howard Lotsof, Sisko, Gabriel Koren, Madeleine Michele, Aubray Wharton
Fake Picabia Brothers: Guitar piece
Video: Patrick Baele
- 1. Meg Stuart: No longer Readymade (12′49″)
- 2. Ronnie Cutrone & Spillie: Electric Angels (19′52″)
Fenici IX. - Video Anthology
- 0. Introduction (1′47″)
- 1. Teresa Picazo (2′02″)
- 2. Jacobo Sucari (4′14″)
- 3. Joan Leandre (2′33″)
- 4. Jesús Sales - Carles Marquès (3′18″)
- 5. Pep Bargalló - M. Cortadellas (3′05″)
- 6. Space Balls Production (4′05″)
- 7. Pedro Bericat (3′19″)
- 8. Glòria Cot (6′46″)
- 9. Toni Serra (1′44″)
- 10. Carles Hac Mor - Esther Xargay - Josep Pla (3′22″)
- 11. Maite Ninou - Enric Casasses (1′48″)
- 12. Glòria Basté - J. M. Jordana (3′)
- 13. Carles Comas (4′07″)
Hartmut Andryczuk: Mondenschau
- 1. Mund (2′04″)
- 2. Frage - Antwort (6′52″)
- 3. Vorwort (3′04″)
- 4. Ohr (1′09″)
- 5. Anderer Stern (1′01″)
- 6. Notizen (4′24″)
- 7. Malone - Man alone (3′48″)
- 8. Frieden Friedenau (4′20″)
- 9. Gute Nacht (0′25″)
Kerekes László: Videodocumentation of performances and installations
- 1. 6x6=36 minutes waiting for their peace (13′41″)
- 2. Hallo, how are you? (5′15″)
- 3. Travelling into freedom (8′38″)
- 4. Human-hendge (12′34″)
- 5. Computeranimation I. (4′02″)
- 6. Baptism in the Danube (8′15″)
- 7. Sunflowers and the war (8′18″)
Nenad Bogdanovic
- 1. Xerox Art (5′58″)
- 2. Exhibition by Air Mail (10′44″)
- 3. Sousa’s Necktie Stamps (5′42″)
- 4. Rubber Stamps (4′05″)
- 5. Cross Borders (4′30″)
- 6. Place of Fear (6′43″)
- 7. Happening with Le Peintre Nato (7′48″)
I Metanetworker in Spirit
André Stitt: Gridlock
Billy X. Curmano: Performance excerpts (1995)
- 1. Swimmin’ the River (7′55″)
- 2. Performance for cows (4′38″)
Tentatively, a Convenience
- 1. A double negative as not a positive (2′50″)
- 2. Great moments in odd-ball sports: a cue stick guitar duet (12′25″)
- 3. Transparent smile - Monty Cantsin performing with white collars (16′53″)
- 4. Nudist party (1′36″)
- 5. Neoist guide dog (2′38″)
- 6. Ward of mouth (4′49″)
- 7. Balling Tim Ore is best (16′05″)
- 8. Volunteers Collective XII. - The last transmission (14′14″)
- 9. Barfroom (4′29″)
- 10. Official neoist chair didaction (1′43″)
- 11. Tender buttons (4′49″)
- 12. Diszey spots (11′30″)
- 13. Color bars (Volunteers Collective XV.) (5′28″)
Mental Permanent Factory (Anton Roca)
- 1. Nur Ein Wort über Die Mauer (7′28″)
- 2. Paradoxon (6′50″)
- 3. You’ve got a hole in your life (6′)
Eric Andersen: Boning
Eric Andersen: Idle walk 2
Eric Andersen: Idle walk 1
Sabrina Lindemann: Honthorststraat 48
Chris Dodge: Until we sleep
Le Peintre Nato: Zapping
Bartolomé Ferrando: Performances poétiques
- 1. Ex-ercicis (3′13″)
- 2. In memoriam Fluxus (4′42″)
- 3. Sintaxi (3′55″)
- 4. Xifres (5′42″)
- 5. Sobre la informació (9′59″)
Songs of the New Erotics: Broadcasts and Solar Interruptions
- 1. Broadcasts and Solar Interruptions (0′33″)
- 2. Half-light (7′01″)
- 3. .. night approached on rusty wheels. Outside we heard the drone of the engines.. (10′06″)
- 4. Origami Meat Play (3′23″)
- 5...and Sleep (7′59″)
- 6. I’ve built this thing.. now what? (4′39″)
- 7. Les Archives Calcinees (8′19″)
- 8. Play for a Sealed Room (7′20″)
Peter Ungerleider: Loving Kindness. About John Giorno
Geistiges Bizarrkabinett I. (Mental Cabinet of the Bizarre I.)
Fiath András: Tranzit
- 1. Tranzit, 1996 (4′33″)
- 2. Felvételek a Tranzithoz (17′57″)
Margarete Jahrmann - Max Moswitzer - Alf Altendorf: Tod dem Fernsehen
Videojournal Barla 1996 (1. rész)
- 0. Introduction (3′19″)
- 1. M. Adamciak (8′49″)
- 2. P. Bartos (7′26″)
- 3. J. Bartusz (10′06″)
- 4. M. Bielicky (5′21″)
- 5. J. Bodnárová (7′13″)
- 6. M. Boda - J. Duris (8′39″)
- 7. J. David (13′12″)
- 8. A. Daucíková (8′50″)
Videojournal Barla 1996 (2. rész)
- 9. L. Durcek (10′43″)
- 10. A. Dudek-Dürer (7′25″)
- 11. R. Fajnor (6′02″)
- 12. J. Fekete (5′37″)
- 13. J. de Felice (5′35″)
- 14. Sz. Fecsó (8′55″)
- 15. H. Fichna (5′43″)
- 16. S. Filko (10′27″)
- 17. R. Galovsky (2′44″)
- 18. Galántai Gy. (9′17″)
Videojournal Barla 1996 (3. rész)
- 19. M. Grzinic - A. Smid (10′58″)
- 20. V. Havrilla (2′50″)
- 21. Juhász J. (3′19″)
- 22. Kerekes L. (4′48″)
- 23. S. Kirchhof (5′26″)
- 24. Klub Zwei (4′45″)
- 25. V. Kraus (2′13″)
- 26. B. Konopka (10′07″)
- 27. V. Kordos (3′12″)
- 28. T. Masín (9′37″)
- 29. P. Meluzín (5′25″)
- 30. G. Müller - M. Heine (13′14″)
Videojournal Barla 1996 (4. rész)
- 31. M. Murín (7′58″)
- 32. M. Nicz (12′35″)
- 33. J. Olek (2′54″)
- 34. P. Pisár (2′24″)
- 35. M. Palla (6′07″)
- 36. D. Záhoransky (6′45″)
- 37. T. Ruller (6′59″)
- 38. Szűcs E. (5′04″)
- 39. Trans Music Company (5′15″)
- 40. W. Vasulka (5′22″)
- 41. P. Vása (6′13″)
- 42. P. Zavadskis (4′19″)
- 43. Rónai P. (5′06″)
Michael Bielicky - Ricardo Peredo: Die Fettecke
Joan Jonas: Vertical Roll
Les Levine: Diamond Mind
Nam June Paik: High Tech Allergy
Documenta 8 live I. Expanded performance
- 1. Allan Kaprow (2′25″)
- 2. Toine Horvers (1′50″)
- 3. Lili Fischer (8′38″)
- 4. Das Brakteatenstück (5′03″)
- 5. Kleinefenn / Rahmann (1′54″)
- 6. Charlemagne Palestine (6′)
- 7. City Souvenir (9′59″)
- 8. Minus Delta t (6′39″)
- 9. Die Tödliche Doris (5′06″)
- 10. Raskin Stichting (5′04″)
- 11. Szirtes János (3′42″)
- 12. Böröcz - Révész (4′14″)
Documenta 8 live II. Art performance, Körpersprache, Klangobjekt
- 1. Ulrike Rosenbach (4′56″)
- 2. Jürgen Klauke (5′25″)
- 3. Z. Warpechowski (6′54″)
- 4. Nan Hoover (2′52″)
- 5. Fritz Schwegler (3′39″)
- 6. Cloud Chamber (9′14″)
- 7. Terry Fox (2′22″)
- 8. Akio Suzuki (4′19″)
- 9. Julius (2′32″)
- 10. Christina Kubisch (2′07″)
- 11. Heinrich Mucken (3′33″)
Documenta 8 live III. Teatralische Performance, Technik und Medien
- 1. Adam Noidt Intermission (7′22″)
- 2. Societa Raffaello Sanzio (7′22″)
- 3. La Camera Astratta (6′11″)
- 4. Monty Cantsin (9′56″)
- 5. Etant Donnés (3′16″)
- 6. Garhel - Galindo (8′07″)
- 7. Krypton (7′55″)
- 8. proT (3′22″)
- 9. Roman Signer (6′33″)
Igor Mischiyev: Silver Surfer
- 1. The Overlap (9′13″)
- 2. The Split (9′05″)
- 3. The Cycle (9′04″)
- 4. The Ovinology (9′22″)
François Pain: Monument à Félix Guattari
Blind Ultimate!
- 1. Dietmar Pokoyski: Intermezzo (0′52″)
- 2. HGGN: Bizarre Christmas (12′25″)
- 3. Lili Voigt: Naked Dance (1′10″)
- 4. Marcus Krips: Naked in the Disco (0′27″)
- 5. Roland Bergere: Dolly’s Dream (2′04″)
- 6. Roland Kerstein: Visitation II. (4′31″)
- 7. Endre Tót: Joys (I am glad if I can smile) (0′37″)
- 8. Nini Flick: Inexplicable Ghost Convulsion (2′23″)
- 9. Endre Tót: Joys (I am glad if I can jump a little bit) (0′54″)
- 10. Boris Nieslony: Missing Link (6′18″)
- 11. Endre Tót: Joys (I am glad if I can do like this) (0′38″)
- 12. Dietmar Pokoyski: Necro Necro (1′40″)
- 13. Roland Bergere: Watertight Poetry (1′10″)
- 14. Endre Tót: Joys (I am glad if I can cross my legs) (0′39″)
- 15. Dietmar Pokoyski: Foe (3′48″)
- 16. Marcus Krips: Stone Age Computer (6′05″)
- 17. Joern Loges: Doom (2′38″)
- 18. Nini Flick: Last Call (0′49″)
Black Market International
- 1. 1986 Stuttgart (4′16″)
- 2. 1989 Praha (3′58″)
- 3. 1988 Poznan (6′06″)
- 4. 1987 Kassel (5′37″)
- 5. 1991 New York (8′09″)
- 6. 1990 Budapest (5′30″)
- 7. 1991 Helsinki (3′37″)
- 8. 1990 Newcastle (3′19″)
- 9. 1991 Aachen (2′47″)
- 10. 1992 Kassel (2′49″)
- 11. 1992 Sandomierz (1′36″)
- 12. 1992 Tarnobrzeg (1′36″)
- 13. 1993 Dresden (3′05″)
- 14. 1993 Linz (3′46″)
David Vostell: My Intuitive Video 1979 - 1989 (1. rész)
- 1. Coma Amazonica (27′33″)
- 2. Blood and Coke (25′39″)
- 3. Blue Way In (14′26″)
- 4. Cabala Musica (4′05″)
- 5. She Is So Nice (5′20″)
- 6. Tutila (12′32″)
David Vostell: My Intuitive Video 1979 - 1989 (2. rész)
- 7. Lost in Life (15′02″)
- 8. Homo Sapiens (30′23″)
- 9. Endogene Depression (19′17″)
- 10. 36574 Bilder (21′13″)
Maurer Dóra filmek
- 1. Megtanult önkéntelen mozdulatok, 1973 (9′31″)
- 2. Triolák 1. (Vázlat), 1975 (6′14″)
- 3. Civil Mekbet (Emlékezés), 1977 (13′36″)
- 4. Arányok, 1979, Utrecht (10′42″)
- 5. Azonosítás, 1986 (13′44″)
- 6. Antizoetrope (Vázlat), 1977 (14′)
- 7. Inter-Images 1-3., 1989-90
- 7a. Retardation (4′56″)
- 7b. Streams of balance (7′52″)
- 7c. Anti-zoetrope (4′03″)
- 8. Timing, 1973-80 (10′24″)
- 9. Kalah, 1980 (10′55″)
- 10. Térfestés - Projekt Bruchberg, 1983 (19′16″)
- 11. Connections 1-6, 1992-93
- 11a. Proposals (5′40″)
- 11b. Transitions (5′05″)
- 11c. Circles (4′32″)
- 11d. Reflexes (4′22″)
- 11e. Looking through (3′20″)
- 11f. Farewell (3′51″)
Antoni Miró
Carina Gosselé - Mihael Laird: „a2b”
Sylvia Winkler - Stephan Köperl: Performances 1999-2001 (details)
- 1. Don’t Hurt Me (1′35″)
- 2. Das Einsaugen der Luft.. (1′15″)
- 3. Hupe 1 (0′40″)
- 4. Hupe 2 (0′35″)
- 5. Als im Sento.. (1′38″)
- 6. Sticky Loop (1′43″)
- 7. Ich - Es - Überich (0′51″)
- 8. Jene unscheinbaren Vorkommnisse (?)
Don Qiujote Foundation
Soundtrack by Nicola Sinnerman Truver
Soundtrack by Nicola Sinnerman Truver
- 1. It’s not enough! (part one) (12′57″)
- 2. The ballad of Little Paris (9′13″)
Jonas Mekas: Zefiro Torna. Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas, 1992
Arte para un Sahara libre e independiente
Niels Lomholt: Intermission # 1 - # 12
- 1. Intermission #1 (5′31″)
- 2. Intermission #2 (0′36″)
- 3. Intermission #3 (0′49″)
- 4. Intermission #4 (1′55″)
- 5. Intermission #5 (1′38″)
- 6. Intermission #6 (1′47″)
- 7. Intermission #7 (0′24″)
- 8. Intermission #8 (0′36″)
- 9. Intermission #9 (2′07″)
- 10. Intermission #10 (1′39″)
- 11. Intermission #11 (0′51″)
- 12. Intermission #12 (3′09″)
Niels Lomholt: Intermission #13 - #26
- 1. Intermission #13 (3′36″)
- 2. Intermission #14 (1′18″)
- 3. Intermission #15 (0′17″)
- 4. Intermission #16 (3′26″)
- 5. Intermission #17 (1′)
- 6. Intermission #18 (2′33″)
- 7. Intermission #19 (0′44″)
- 8. Intermission #20 (7′)
- 9. Intermission #21 (1′47″)
- 10. Intermission #22 (2′40″)
- 11. Intermission #23 (0′45″)
- 12. Intermission #24 (0′40″)
- 13. Intermission #25 (0′50″)
- 14. Intermission #26 (1′25″)
Elektrografika 1997
Engaged #5 The Video Issue
- 1. Thomas Q. Napper (6′51″)
- 2. Seònaid MacKay - Vivienne Cherry (3′32″)
- 3. Susannah Gent (10′47″)
- 4. Film & Video Workshop (6′15″)
- 5. Andrew Kötting (8′07″)
- 6. Sally Ann Arthur - Sean Topham (3′15″)
- 7. Run Wrake (6′59″)
- 8. Interval (3′06″)
- 9. Jamie Thraves (5′19″)
- 10. Vito Rocco (2′49″)
- 11. David Hopkinson (10′39″)
- 12. Francesca Iannaccone (5′21″)
Galina Myznikova: Work with Banks
A balatonboglári kápolnaműterem
- Gulyás Gyula és Dr. Horváth Putyi felvételei
SPAN2 International Performance Art
- 1. Introduction (2′46″)
- 2. Week 1 (0′19″)
- 2a. Kira O’Reilly (2′01″)
- 2b. Lonetwin (4′39″)
- 2c. Rona Lee (1′28″)
- 2d. Kim Jones (2′15″)
- 2e. Brian Connolly (2′35″)
- 3. Week 2 (0′30″)
- 3a. Esther Ferrer (2′05″)
- 3b. Danny McCarthy (2′51″)
- 3c. Artur Tajber (4′06″)
- 3d. Mamiko Kawabata (2′06″)
- 3e. Roi Vaara (1′54″)
- 4. Week 3 (0′30″)
- 4a. Richard Martel (2′07″)
- 4b. Scott MacLeod (3′23″)
- 4c. Ma Liuming (0′59″)
- 4d. Tania Ostojic (2′04″)
- 4e. Tania Bruguera (0′45″)
- 5. Week 4 (0′30″)
- 5a. Tara Babel (2′56″)
- 5b. Boris Nieslony (3′27″)
- 5c. Julie Bacon (2′55″)
- 5d. Stuart Brisley (1′50″)
- 5e. Amouzou Glikpa (4′01″)
Christian Balmier: Mail Art - Art postal
- Ben Vautier, Liliane Vinci, Pierre-Stéphane Proust, Daniel Daligand, Fernand Barbot, Michel Hosszu. Matthew Rose, Christian Balmier, Robert Ruscoe, Sylvine Vargoz, Pawel Petasz, Shozo Shimamoto, Ryosuke Cohen
L’Ordre du G.R.I.S.
- 1. Hommage à Oscar Wilde (13′)
- 2. Le rire convient à Raymond Roussel
- 2a. Espace Talma (4′52″)
- 2b. Tombe de Larrey (1′43″)
- 2c. Tombe Maquet (4′30″)
- 2d. Apollinaire (3′50″)
- 2e. Tombe Peron2f. (3′42″)
- 2f. George Perec (3′25″)
- 2g. Raymond Roussel (6′51″)
Vakáció / Vacation
Jacques Lizène: Art vidéo du nul
Pour “conférence - installation - performance - récital”
Pour “conférence - installation - performance - récital”
- 1. Remake, 1984 (3′36″)
- 2. Remake, 1984 (2′50″)
- 3. L’art banlieue (ou la banlieue de l’art) (1969-19.) (9′17″)
- 4. Minable music-hall en vidéo art (1982) (28′02″)
- 5. Passage pour piétons (1983) (11′01″)
- 6. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? - zenei performansz (2′18″)
The Indoor Landart Program
W. Mark Sutherland: tvi (a video/poetry book 1986 - 1994)
- 1. Insects Not Poetry (14′35″)
- 2. The Abysmal Legacy of Metropolis [youtube] (2′14″)
- 3. When the Death Squads Come.. (3′47″)
- 4. (Visual) Aids (2′36″)
- 5. Live in Villafranca (Dizzy Gillespie, Ornette) (2′24″)
- 6. The Oxygen Apocalypse (2′15″)
- 7. Mute Poem (1′10″)
Klaus Richter - Reiner Scharlowsky: Renfield
Collezione extra-vagante, Buscate, 1996
- Sgruppo, Laura Botton, Silvia Cibaldi, Rossella Cipressi, M. Grazia Galuzzi, Paolo Gavina, Giorgio Longo, Enzo Lucchini, Ruggero Maggi, Luciana Schiroli, Mariuccia Secol, Alberto Tognola, Mimmo Totaro, Armanda Verdirame
Klaus Heid: Khuza - Ein Mythos aus Sibirien
Andrzej Dudek Dürer: Documentation of Activity 1989 - 1992
- 1. To Play first Fiddle (2′38″)
- 2 Suspension Bridge (8′53″)
- 3. Sensitive Rail (3′02″)
- 4. Meta Object (1′44″)
- 5. Upside Down (2′16″)
- 6. Meta..Light (3′40″)
- 7. Stairs (3′11″)
- 8. Something (6′19″)
- 9. Cemetery (7′46″)
- 10. The Paths of Spirituality (21′21″)
Anica Vucetic: Installations
- 1. Environments, Mobiles, Installations (13′15″)
- 2. Nostalgia [youtube] (6′11″)
- 3. The Big Wave (2′26″)