Fluxus or Fluxus related publications available for research at the Artpool Library
Az Artpool könyvtárában fellelhető fluxus vagy fluxussal kapcsolatos kiadványok, publikációk

  1. General books, special issues or catalogs
    Általános könyv, katalógus, folyóirat különszám
  2. General articles, essays in periodicals
    Általános folyóiratcikkek, tanulmányok
  3. Artists´ bibliographies (publications by and about Fluxus and Fluxus related artists)
    Művész-bibliográfiák (kiadványok fluxus és fluxus közeli művészek-ről/től)
  4. Publications about Fluxus in Hungarian
    Magyar nyelvű fluxus bibliográfia

General articles, essays in periodicals / Általános folyóiratcikkek, tanulmányok

Alocco, Marcel: Fluxus-Nice, in: Kanal, No. 1, 1989 August-September, 82-83.

Anderson, Alexandra: Scrapbooks, Notebooks, Letters, Diaries - Artists' Books Come of Age, in: Art News, Vol. 77, No. 3, 1978 March, 68-74.

Bellini, Rolando: Odisee contemporanee, in: Cirignola, Anna (ed.): Il sesto senso della natura, Pari & Dispari, Lecce, 1988, 27-32.

Berthier, Muriel: D'une utilisation détournée de la poste, in: Interlope, No. 14-15, 1996, 257-266.

Blom, Ina: Boredom and Oblivion, in: Friedman, Ken (ed.): The Fluxus Reader, Academy Editions, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex (England), 1998, 64-90.

Bordaz, Jean-Pierre: Robert Filliou. L'art et la vie créés par un esprit visionnaire, in: Artefactum No. 9, 1985 June-August, 12-14.

Brock, Bazon: Werk gegen Wirkung - Wirkung gegen Werk, in: Berliner Kunstblatt, Vol. 17, No. 57, 1988, 17- 22.

Fluxus à Nice, in: Canal. Arts et expressions culturelles, No. 29-31, 1979 July-September, 6-9.

Fluxus International & C°, in: +-0, Vol. 7, No. 28, 1979 November, 6-13.

François, Charles: Réseau eternel: de la poste au telephone, in: Lerouge, Evelyne (ed.): Droles d'envois. Mail Art - Art Postal, Centre d'Animation Culturelle de Compiègne et du Valois, Compiègne, 1992, 31-42.

Frank, Peter: Fluxus in New York, 1976, in: Lightworks, No. 11-12, 1979 Fall, 29-36.

Frank, Peter: What's Happening in Contemporary Art. A Frank Analysis of the Current Scene, in: Diversion. For Physicians at Leisure, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1980 April, 60-64, 90-91, 95-96.

Giroud, Michel: Fluxus Liège, in: Canal. Arts et expressions culturelles, No. 37, 1980 March, 5.

Graevenitz, Antje von - Let Geerling: Energiequellen in der Kunst der sechziger un siebziger Jahre, in: Ressource Kunst. Die Elemente neu gesehen, DuMont Buchverlag, Köln, 1989, 42-67.

Higgins, Dick: A Child's History of Fluxus, 1979, in: Lightworks, No. 11-12, 1979 Fall, 26- 27.

Johnson, Tom: Paper Airplaines and Shattered Violins, in: The Village Voice, Vol. 14, No. 15, 1979. 04. 09, 71-72.

Kellein, Thomas: Die Qual des Briefträgers. Zu den Postkarten der Fluxus- und Intermediakünstler, in: Hedinger, Bärbel (ed.): Die Künstlerpostkarte. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, Prestel, München, 1992, 42-47.

Labelle-Rojoux, Arnaud (ed.): Dossier Fluxus, in: Java. Revue fort mal élevée, No. 6, 1991 Summer-Autumn, 25-59.

Lambert, Jean-Clarence: Dépassement de l'art?, in: Jean-Clarence Lambert, Dépassement de l'art?, Editions Anthropos, Paris, 1974, 53-55.

Martel, Richard: Inter. 20 ans d'histoire, in: Inter Art Actuel, No. 70, 1998 Summer, 2-5.

Michaelides, Lee: The Stuff of Art, in: Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Vol. 85, No. 2, 1992 October, 24-31.

Moore, Barbara - Jon Hendricks: The Page as Alternative Space - 1950 to 1969, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 1, No. 7, 1980 December, 1-8.

Movin, Lars: Innovative Art, in: Lund Art Press. Vol. 1, No. 4, 1990 Summer-Autumn, 302-305.

Padin, Clemente: Multimédia y poesia experimental en America Latina, in: Doc(k)s. Alire + Cqf-D-ROM. Poésie et informatique, Série 3, No. 13-14-15-16, 1997, 157-163.

Perneczky Géza: The Magazine Network. The Trends of Alternative Art in the Light of their Periodicals 1968-1988, Soft Geometry, Köln, 1993. 49-51.

Pooley, Andrea: A Life Full of Fluxus. Francesco Conz Explains a Misunderstood form of Art to Andrea Pooley, in: Arts, 1990.06.27, 27

Sarenco: Come deve essere una poesia. How a Poem is Supposed to Be. Bella come la bella Blanzesmano. As Beautiful as the Beautiful Blanzesmano, in: Lotta Poetica, Vol. 1., No.1, 1982 February, 32- 33.

Schwarzbauer, Georg F.: Körperdemonstrationen. Physische und psychische Energien in der Performance-Art, in: Flattz, Wolfgang (ed.): Hautnacht. Selbstverständnis und Körperästhetik der Achtziger Jahre, Neue Kunst-Verlag, München, 1986, 62-77.

Simmen, Jeannot: Plastik als aesthetisch-gesellschaftliche Provokation, in: Berliner Kunstblatt, Vol. 17, No. 57, 1988, 22-26.

Stiles, Kristine: Battle of the Yams. Contentless Form and the Recovery of Meaning in Events and Happenings, in: Marter, Joan (ed.): Off Limits. Rutgers University and the Avant-garde, 1957-1963, The Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey - Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey and London, 1999, 118-129.

Stiles, Kristine: Synopsis of the Destruction in Art Symposium (DIAS) and Its Theoretical Significance, in: The Act, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1987, 22-31.

Stüttgen, Johannes: Fluxus und der Erweiterte Kunstbegriff, in: Kunstmagazin, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1980 August, 53-63.

last updated: Dec. 2000

General books, special issues or catalogs / Általános könyv, katalógus, folyóirat különszám
Articles, essays / Folyóiratcikkek, tanulmányok
Artists´ bibliographies / Művész-bibliográfiák
Publications about Fluxus in Hungarian / Magyar nyelvű fluxus bibliográfia