19–28 July 2019


György Galántai: Step-sandwich Longing for the Future (1985)

The sculpture was made at the artists’ colony of the Rába Works in Győr using thrown-away connecting rods and springs. The objects taken out of their dynamic functionality were welded by Galántai into a spiral shape evocative of infinity and fitted in-between his emblematic soles, i.e. in-between two steps.

Thus, the work becomes the symbol of an impatient longing for advancement and taking steps ahead, or the symbol of utopistic thinking.

Although originally this work was not made to be a sound sculpture, it was refunctioned since it was used as a musical instrument by musical composer István Márta at Artpool’s Duchamp symposium in 1987, celebrating the centenary of the birth of the inventor of ready-made art, operating with refunctioned objects.
(Zsuzsa László)

See also: Zsuzsa László, Emese Kürti: “I’ve always been interested in information”. Anniversary interview with György Galántai (exindex - in Hungarian)

19–28 July 2019