(Bibliography available for research)
Bronzell, Sean - Ann Suchomski: Inter- view with John Cage, in: Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michael Sumner (eds.): The Guests Go in to Supper, Burning Books, 1986, 20-28.
Cage, John: A csend, Jelenkor Kiadó, Pécs, 1994
Cage, John: A zene jövője - credo. A csend lényegéről. Silent environment, in: Tolvaly Ernő - Lengyel András (eds.): Kortárs Képzőművészeti Szöveggyűjtemény, A & E '93 Kiadó, Budapest, 1992, 190-194.
Cage, John: Composition as Process Part II: Indeterminacy, in: Stiles, Kristine - Peter Selz (eds.): Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art. A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings, University of California Press, Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, 1996, 707-709.
Cage, John: Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse). Continued Part Three (1967), A Great Bear Pamphlet, Something Else Press, New York, 1967, 14 p.
Cage, John: Mushrooms et Variationes, in: Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michael Sumner (eds.): The Guests Go in to Supper, Burning Books, 1986, 29-97.
Cage, John: Rolywholyover A Circus for museum, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 1993
Cage, John: The Future of Music: Credo, in: Lander, Dan - Micah Lexier (eds.): Sound by Artists, Art Metropole and Walter Phillips Gallery, Toronto - Banff (Canada), 1990, 15-20.
Cage, John-Lois Long: Mud Book. How To Make Pies and Cakes, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1988
Cage, John - Robert Filliou - Alison Knowles: [Ein Gespräch. Conversation], in: Filliou, Robert: Lehren und Lernen als Auffuehrungskuenste. Teaching and Learning as Performance Arts, Verlag Gebr. König, Köln - New York, 1970, 106-118.
Charles, Daniel: About John Cage's "Prepared Piano", in: Bonito Oliva, Achille - Gabriella De Mila - Claudio Cerritelli (eds.): Ubi fluxus ibi motus 1990-1962, Mazzotta, Milano, 1990, 453-457.
Daniels, Dieter: Vier Fragen an John Cage, in: Daniels, Dieter (ed.): Fluxus - Ein Nachruf zu Lebzeiten. Kunstforum International, Vol. 115 (special issue), 1991 September-October, 214.
Dyson, Frances: The Ear that Would Hear Sounds in Themselves: John Cage 1935-1965, in: Kahn, Douglas - Gregory Whitehead (eds.): Wireless Imagination. Sound, Radio, Avant-Garde, The MIT Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts)- London, 1992, 373-408.
Empty Words. John Cage talks back, in: Erlhoff, Uta - Michael Erlhoff - Lutz Jörgens (eds.): Neue Musik, Zweitschrift, No. 2, 1976 September, 29-32.
Furlong, William: John Cage, in: Furlong, William: Audio Arts. Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Art, Academy Editions, London, 1994, 62-64.
Für John Cage, in: MusikTexte. Zeitschrift für neue Musik, No. 46/47, Köln, Dezember 1992, 4-136.
John Cage, in: Revue d'esthétique, nouvelle série Nos . 13-14-15, 1987-88
Kirby, Michael - Richard Schechner: An Interview with John Cage, in: Schechner, Richard - Michael Kirby (eds.): TDR (Tulane Drama Review), Vol. 10, No. 2 (special issue), 1965 Winter, 50-72.
Kirby, Michael - Richard Schechner: An Interview with John Cage, in: Sandford, Mariellen (ed.): Happenings and Other Acts, Routledge, London - New York, 1995, 51-71.
Kostelanetz, Richard: John Cage on Radio and Audio Tape, in: Lander, Dan - Micah Lexier (eds.): Sound by Artists, Art Metropole and Walter Phillips Gallery, Toronto - Banff (Canada), 1990, 289-300.
Mac Low, Jackson: Performances (Thanks. Thanks II. Piano Suite for David Tudor & John Cage. F # for Simeone Forti. 3 Social Projects), manuscript 1991
Nyman, Michael: Experimental Music. Cage and beyond, Studio Vista, London, 1974, 154 p., ill., b&w
Paik, Nam June: Venice I - 1960, John Cage in Venice, in: Bussmann, Klaus - Florian Matzner (eds.): Nam June Paik. Eine Database, Edition Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 1993, 105-111.
Reynolds, Roger - Robert Ashley: Interview mit John Cage, in: Becker, Jürgen - Wolf Vostell (eds.): Happenings, Fluxus, Pop Art, Nouveau Réalisme. Eine Dokumentation, Rowohlt Verlag, Hamburg, 1965, 157-164.
Snyder, Ellsworth: An Interview with John Cage. John Cage Discusses Fluxus, in: Pijnappel, Johan (ed.): Fluxus Today and Yesterday. Art & Design Profile, No. 28 (special issue), 1993, 15-19.
Snyder, Ellsworth: John Cage Discusses Fluxus, in: Milman, Estera (ed.): Fluxus: A Conceptual Country. Visible Language, Vol. 26, No. 1-2 (special issue), 1992 Winter-Spring, 59-68.
Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michael Sumner: Interview with John Cage, in: Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michael Sumner (eds.): The Guests Go in to Supper, Burning Books, 1986, 15-20.
Sumner, Melody - Kathleen Burch - Michaer Sumner (eds.): The guests go in to supper. John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Charles Amirkhanian, Michael Pappe, K. Atchley, Burning Books, San Francisco, 1986, 383 p., ill., b&w
Werkverzeichnis John Cage, in: MusikTexte. Zeitschrift für neue Musik, No. 46/47, Köln, Dezember 1992, 136-140.
Zurbrugg, Nicholas: John Cage. Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg, in: Zurbrugg, Nicholas (ed.): The Multimedia Text, Art & Design Profile, No. 45 (special issue), 1995, 17-19.
Zweig, Ellen: Quelques notes sur John Cage, in: Barras, Vincent - Zurbrugg, Nicholas (eds.): Poésies sonores, Editions Contrechamps, s. l., 1992, 253-260.
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