Rod Summers (NL)
From: Rod Summers
To: "Artpool Galantai Tribute"
Subject: RE: GALANTAI 80 invitation
Date: 16 March 2021
Attachments: portrait0121red.jpg
Dear Artpool staff AND JÚLIA in particular,
Yes we are all going through significant changes and yes it is important that our memories are preserved for the posterity of Art.
But Julia, I have a couple of questions: I am nearly as old as György, nearly but not quite!-) My memory fails me sometimes, mainly because it has been a very long life massively full of wonderful events and detail. I have a very vague memory that you both visited Maastricht, is that memory correct?
If true did I make photographs?
I am a bit confused as I remember either the late Ruedi Schill and his wife Monika OR you visiting in the time of Agora Studio that would have been back in the 1970s. Perhaps both couples visited. Do you remember?
I have also a very vague memory of a photo of us on the steps of Agora... and that I was not very happy at that moment for some reason. I have the feeling I DON'T have that photo or if I do it will be in negative form only.
Of course I would love to participate by sending a work to celebrate György's 80th birthday, I already have an idea of what to send. Dear Julia please answer and refresh my memory.
All best greetings
Attached ‘self-portrait#2’ 2021

From: Artpool Art Research Center
To: Rod Summers
Subject: RE: GALANTAI 80 invitation
Date: 16 March 2021
Dear Rod,
nice to have your reply, thanks a lot!
You are right, it has been a long time ago we last met in person.
We visited you in June 1982 - almost 40 years ago - and stayed with you in Maastricht for 2 days.
(I remember, you were very surprised when we arrived and called you, as our last letter from Hungary with the details of our coming did not reach you - we were lucky that you were in Maastricht at that moment).
We talked a lot, had nice time, and we also went to see a studio with you - this was probably the Agora Studio, you will be able to recognize it from the photos.
We published the records of our Art Tour in our samizdat art review Artpool Letter.
Here you can read the Maastricht chapter:
and we also issued a cassette with recordings we made during our tour:
We did some photos, they might make you remember our visit.
Best wishes,
Julia Klaniczay
Artpool Art Research Center
From: Rod Summers
To: "Artpool Art Research Center"
Subject: RE: GALANTAI 80 invitation
Date: 16 March 2021
I have downloaded the pictures Julia, how nostalgic is that! I am blown away… but to be honest I don’t remember them, but I do remember the articles.
I will send you works for György’s surprise.
My wife looked so cute back then! We were all so pretty. I will clean up one or two of the photos as they show their age. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Did you know there are several books published on the cassette revolution? Like this one…
I am working on a new audio work for an American publisher at this moment, also an American company is planning to publish a book of my poetry illustrated by another artist. And a Dutch company has just published an LP of my audio works from the early 80s. plus, plus, plus. There is so much going on at the moment it is no surprise my memory has flown out of the window!-)
Many thanks Julia
All best greetings
On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 8:17 PM Rod Summers wrote:
I posted an envelope to you today.

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