AL (Aktuális Levél, Artpool Letter)
No. 1–11, 1983–1985
Edited and published by György Galántai – Julia Klaniczay (Artpool)
No. 1–11, 1983–1988
Edited by Sebeő Talán
Dokumentum (catalogue / periodical)
No. 1–4, 1979–1982
Edited by Antal Jokesz
Publications by Inconnu Group
- Hard Magazin, 1979
- Retrospect, 1984
- Inconnu Press, Alkalmi Eseményújság, 1986
Edited by Inconnu Group
Medium – Art
No. 1–4, 1985–1986
Edited and published by András Petőcz
No. 1–4, 1985–1986
Responsible editor: Júlia Lévai. Published by Lapkiadó Vállalat
Sznob International
6 issues, 1981–1985
Edited and published by Tamás Pap
Új hölgyfutár Revue
No. 0/1–6, 1987–1989
Edited by Endre Szkárosi
Világnézettségi Magazin
No. 1–7, 1984–1985
Edited and published by Hejettes Szomlyazók [Substitute Thirsters]

The displayed reviews can be viewed / handed / read
7–9 September, 2022
10-18 hours (by appointment)
Artpool Art Research Center (Media Space)
H-1135 Budapest, Szabolcs u. 33., building D