Kornelia Röder (D)
Happy birthday, dear György Galántai
The Duchamp Research Centre at the Staatliches Museum Schwerin wishes you, dear György Galántai, a very happy 80th birthday. The project you initiated in 1987, In the spirit of Marcel Duchamp, not only honoured an artist who revolutionised 20th century art, but also encouraged public debates centred on a completely new understanding of art. The project opened up perspectives on a different world of thought, especially for the art scene in Eastern Europe, whose official art had been dominated by Socialist Realism. The international project In the spirit of Marcel Duchamp was ground-breaking in the way that it advanced the reception of Duchamp in the Mail Art network. György Galántai regarded Duchamp as its spiritual head.

As early as 1983, Galántai dedicated the work Homage to the Masters (Duchamp + Arman + Tinguely) to his artistic role models. On the cover of the catalogue of his complete works up to 1996, he published the following statement: My art, you could say, is simply that I'm alive (Marcel Duchamp). This statement can be understood as a credo. Galántai is among the Eastern European artists who have undertaken an intensive engagement with Marcel Duchamp.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Duchamp’s birth, Galántai initiated the Mail Art project In the spirit of Marcel Duchamp, in which 54 artists and Mail Artists from a wide variety of countries participated, including Baroni, Bennett, Bogdanović, Bruscky, Carrega, Cavellini, Colonna, Christo, Crozier, Danon, Duch, Miers, Fallico, Ferguson, Fierens, François, Fricker, Gaglione, Galántai, Hahn, Hainke, Birger Jesch, Dobrica and Rorica Kamperelić, Knowles, de Jonge, Koschitz, Kováts, Kozma, Maggi, Peter R. Meyer, Minarelli, Mittendorf, Nevidal, Olbrich, Padin, Panhuysen, Peoples Republic of Poetry, Petasz, Plages, Radio Free Dada, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Guy Schraenen, Sfumato, Skooter, Soós, Klaus Staeck, Summers, Supek, Šwierkiewicz, Todorović and Endre Tót. The high percentage of Eastern European artists is striking.

The exhibition was held in conjunction with a symposium at Eötvös University in Budapest. Films, videos and slides by various artists were presented on 17 December 1987. In addition, the event included a concert with a sound sculpture by György Galántai. On this legendary evening, 21 artists and art critics each gave five-minute lectures. The symposium represents the first time that discussion concerning Duchamp and his significance was taken beyond a concrete Mail Art project. The supporting programme accompanying the exhibition brought together people who did not operate in the Mail Art network.
This Mail Art project and the symposium significantly advanced the reception of Duchamp, especially in Eastern Europe.
For these reasons, Duchamp enthusiasts have remained grateful to you, György Galántai, even to this day. With your efforts, you made Duchamp known in Eastern Europe.
Kornelia Röder
Duchamp Research Centre Schwerin
Staatliche Schlösser, Gärten und Kunstsammlungen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Staatliches Museum Schwerin
27 April, 2021

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