Author(s)/Editor(s): Marcin, Mauricio
Publisher: Museo de la Ciudad de México, 27 October, 2009-27 February, 2010. Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca, 26 February-30 Jnue, 2011.
Date: 2009-2011
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Comment: The exhibition „assembles the work of more than two hundred artists, including Maris Bustamante, Ulises Carrión, Mauricio Guerrero, Mathias Goeritz, César Espinosa, Felipe Ehrenberg, Aarón Flores, Pedro Friedeberg, Marcos Kurtycs, Magali Lara, Mónica Mayer, Clemente Padín and Araceli Zúñiga, among many others.” Morales, Lourdes: Arte Correo, in:
„The book contains unpublished works by Mathias Goeritz, Pedro Friedeberg, Felipe Ehrenberg, Clemente Padín, Diether Rot, Marcos Kurtycz, Black Hen Powder, and hundreds of artists from five continents.”