Organizer(s): Rehfeldt, Robert
Location: Staatlichten Lindenau, Berlin, East Germany
Date: 18 July–19 September, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants (poster)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Jesch East German List]
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants (poster)
Organizer(s): Romero, Rachel – Leon Klayman (San Francisco Poster Brigade)
Location: Southern Exposure Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
Date: May, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (version by Ruggero Maggi), Call, Video
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Bibliopolis, Lomholt, Salve
Available for research at Artpool:
“A manifestation of the next generation of the San Francisco Poster Brigade (earlier the Wilfrid Owen Brigade), it was organized as a mail-art event, with associated performance art, film and video, music and allied events. After a call for submissions in August 1980, it opened in San Francisco in October, moved to Los Angeles for November/December, opened in Tucson in March 1981, moved to the Parsons School of Design in New York in July 1981, and finished up at the Southern Exposure Gallery in San Francisco in May 1982 (with additional venues for film, performances, readings and music). Contributions were solicited and added during the length of the exhibit's existence.”
Organizer(s): Rippel, Larry
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Date: October, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Fricker, Hans Ruedi
Location: Trogen, Switzerland
Date: 2 October – 13 November, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (November 1981)]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Umbrella
Organizer(s): Chiarlone, Bruno (Work Area)
Location: Arzago d’Adda, Italy; D’Antonio Silvio Studio, Salerno, February, 1982; Five Towers Micro Hall Center (Dr. Klaus Groh), Augustfehn, Germany, May 1982; Comisión De Cultura De AEBU (Clémente Padín), Montevideo, Uruguay, 1983.
Date: 1981–1983
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Call, List of Participants, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Schweinebraden, Jürgen – EP Edition
Location: Niedenstein, West Germany
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (March 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Kulturverwaltung Bergkamen
Location: Bergkamen, West Germany, 10–14 September, 1982.
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Book, Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Jonge, Ko de
Location: Middelburg, Holland
Date: 1982–
Number of participants: 180+
Document(s): Call, Documentation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Documentation
Organizer(s): Carson, John / John Baren
Location: California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (postcard, change of address)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Spiegelman LA List, 78-83]
Available for research at Artpool: Call (postcard, change of address)
Organizer(s): Chiarlone, Bruno – Emilio Morandi – Ruggero Maggi – Sever Rossi
Location: Town Library Capriolo, Brescia, Italy
Date: 29 May – 15 June, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Author(s)/Editor(s): Ruch, Günther
Publisher: Out-Press, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 1982–1988
Number of participants: 400, 35 countries
Document(s): Issue Nos. 1–10.
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool,, Lomholt, Ruch
Available for research at Artpool: Issue Nos. 1–5, 8, 10
Bibliography: Janssen, Ruud: Mail-interview with Günther Ruch – Switzerland, TAM Publications, Netherlands, 1996
Related link(s): Günther Ruch 1942-2013
“The concept of CLINCH was bound with the wish to have a selfmade assembling-magazine, cheap in its production-costs, simple and complicate at the same time, open to everybody and every world-conception, -including contributing artists from the whole globe. A relativly strong conceptualized idea developed itself through the small stamp-size of the contributed originals (stickers/stamps).” Janssen, Ruud: op. cit.
Organizer(s): Lengyel, András
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Date: 1982–1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Article, Books
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Article, Books
Bibliography: Mennyei könyvtár. Felhő Antológia. Lengyel András válogatása, Ráday Könyvesház, Budapest, 2009, ca. p. 120 (Ed. by András Lengyel)
Dékei, Kriszta: Cloud Museum 1982–1985, in:, 1992
Organizer(s): Luigetti, Serse
Location: Perugia, Italy
Date: February, 1982
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Umbrella (January 1982)], Lomholt
Organizer(s): Luigetti, Serse – Synth-O-Matic Production
Location: Hi Mon Café, Perugia, Italy
Date: July – September, 1982; April, 1983 (Phase Two)
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Poster, List of participants
Organizer(s): Araujo, Avelino de
Location: Galeria de Arte do Centro Cultural Candido Mendes, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 6–26 January, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (Poster)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call (poster), List of participants (poster)
Organizer(s): Olbrich, Jürgen
Location: Kassel, West Germany
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
"Simultaneously with Documenta, an event also called Documente (=documents) was going on for 100 days at an artistic space at Kunold Strasse 34, organised by Jürgen O. Olbrich. Each day of Documente - accompanied by a voluminous catalogue - featured a different artist each of whom was given the chance to present their art. The one hundred artists who participated included Ko de Jonge, Michael Gibbs, Janos Urban, Klaus Groh, Robert Rehfeldt, Wulle Konsumkunst, Klaus Staeck, Rod Summers, and others. Detailed archived documentation was available on every artist on the spot. The rooms of the house and the garden were filled with new exhibits every day. The presence of the artists made it possible for a huge number of cheerful, personal meetings to take place." Júlia Klaniczay: Artpool's Art Tour, 14 June–31 July, 1982,
Organizer(s): Szirányi, István
Location: Újpesti Mini Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 11 November – 5 December, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Invitation, Photos, Poster, Bookwork
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Liget
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Invitation, Photos, Poster, Bookwork
Bibliography: Bevonulás “A megterhelt házba”: beszélgetés Swierkiewicz Róbert képzőművésszel, Művészet, 1988/1. p. 38.
Organizer(s): Artpool (Galántai György – Klaniczay Júlia)
Location: Young Artists’ Club, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 26 February, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Poster, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Rinnstein, Tommy
Location: Cafe Galerie Gruppe Grün, Bremen, West Germany
Date: 29 May – 6 June, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Jean Brown], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Balkin, Steven
Location: Fine Arts Deparment, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Date: 13–23 April, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Texto Poetico Group
Location: Parpallo Gallery, Valencia, Spain
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Martin, Manuel
Location: Galeria Juan Martin, Mexico
Date: 21 July, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): C.D.A.V. (Archivio Rosamilio – Peppe Rosamilia)
Location: Castel San Giorgio, Italy
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Call, List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Walsh, Emmett (Post Industrialism)
Location: Gulfport, Florida, USA
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (November 1981)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Bibliography: Walsh, Emmett (ed.): Post Industrialism. Year One, Post Industrialism, USA, 1981, 20 p.
Organizer(s): Fontana, Giovanni (Archivio Poieses)
Location: Poetry Laboratory, Novoli, Lecce – Salerno, Italy
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Darnell, Wally
Location: Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (September 1981); Salvatore DeRosa]
Available for research at Artpool: Umbrella
Comment: Ray Johnson sent his first reply to Galántai in 1982. He demanded that his letter shall be forwarded to Wally Darnell in Saudi Arabia. See more information.
Organizer(s): Kalkmann, Hans-Oiseau
Location: Bodenburg, West Germany
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Centro Documentazione / Arti Visive / Archivio Rosamilia
Location: Castel San Giorgio, Salerno, Italy
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Schmidt-Olsen, Carsten – Lomholt Formular Press – Steen Moller Razmuzzen
Location: Kunstmuseum, Hjorring, Denmark
Date: 25–28 March, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog
Organizer(s): Gussow, Alan – Donna Grund Slepack – Ruggero Maggi – Salvatore Anelli – Rodolfo Granafei – Shozo Shimamoto – John Held, Jr. – Harry Polkinhorn – Karl Young – Jukka Lehmus – Clémente Padín – etc.
Location: Hiroshima, Japan; Montevideo, Uruguay; Milwaukee, USA; Santiago, Chile; La Plata, Argentina; Istituto D’Arte di Villa di Serio, Italy; Kulturverein Wolkenstein, Minden, Germany, 4 October–7 November, 1985; Centro di Iniziativa Permanente per Pace, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 5–6 June, 1987 etc.
Date: 1982–
Number of participants:
Document(s): Calls, Reports, Photos, Catalogs, Article, List of Participants & Texts (1990), List of Participants & Text (1991), List of Participants & Text (1994–96)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Spunk
Available for research at Artpool: Calls, Reports, Photos, Article
Bibliography: De Santis, Antonio: I massimi esponenti della “mail art” presenti alla mostra di Villa di Serio, Il giornale di Bergamo-oggi, 15 Aogosto, 1985, p. 10
Progetto Internazionale sulla Pace, Centro di Iniziativa Permanente per la Pace Piceno, Picena, Italy, 1987, p. 28 (Ed. by Salvatore Anelli – Rodolfo Granafei)
Held, John, Jr.: Mail Art – Japanese Diary, The Works, October 2nd, 1988, pp. 9–18
The International Shadow Project (with D. Quattrociocchi), Art Gallery, State Univ. San Diego, USA, August–September, 1989, p. 20
Gunderloy, Mike: Tartu Shadows, Factsheet Five, Albany, New York, December 1990, p. 88.
Young, Karl: Introduction to the Catalogue for the 1991 International Shadow Project Show, Spunk, 1991
Held, John, Jr.: The Shadow Project: A Collaboration between the Mail Art Network and Peace Activists in Contemplation of an Uncertain Age, Membrane Press, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1991 (ed. by Karl Young)
Kempton, Karl: The International Shadow Project, Because, Grover Beach, California, USA, No. 1, 1994, p. 3.
Lehmus, Jukka: Shadows of the Dead. International Shadows Project 1994-96, 1996
Organizer(s): Emers, Dara
Location: Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Date: 29 April – 31 May, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Umbrella (March 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): FMTC (Frente Mexicano De Trabajadores De La Cultura)
Location: Col. Alamos, Mexico
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (September 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Shimamoto, Shozo
Location: Art Space Gallery, Hyogo, Japan
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog (Japan A.U. Mail Art Book I)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Schraenen, Guy
Location: Archive Small Press, Antwerp, Belgium
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Umbrella (March 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Schraenen, Guy
Location: Postal Museum, Brussels, Belgium
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (March 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Peli, Romano – Michaela Versari
Location: C.D.O. Parma, Italy
Date: 18–31 January, 1982
Number of participants: 33, 14 countries
Document(s): Catalog, List of participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (March 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation, List of participants
Organizer(s): Frangione, Nicola – Armadio Officina Editions
Location: Monza, Italy
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Stange, Joachim
Location: Grosenheim, 2 June, 1982; Dresden, East Germany, 1 – 20 September, 1982; Dirna, 10 – 20 November, 1982
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Jesch East German List]
Available for research at Artpool: List of participants
Location: Burlington County College Gallery, Pemberton, New Jersey, USA
Date: 9 May – 23 June, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation, Poster, Catalog, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Jean Brown]
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation, Poster
Bibliograhpy: Tisa, Benedict: The Art of Postcards, Art Matters, July/August 1982, p. 2.
Organizer(s): Marx, Graciela Gutierrez
Location: La Plata, Argentina
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog (poster)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore DeRosa], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog (poster), List of participants
Organizer(s): Xertox Csoport (Lévay Jenő, Regős Imre, Swierkiewicz Róbert)
Location: Pesterzsébeti Múzeum, Budapest, Május, 1982; Bercsényi Klub, Budapest, Hungary, 19 October - 1 November, 1982
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Invitation, Poster, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents:
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Invitation, Poster, Catalog
Organizer(s): Jupitter-Larsen, Gerald
Location: Metro Media, Vancouver, Canada
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
“monthly mail art shows that happened at the Metro Media gallery in Vancouver. These shows were up all month every month from 1982 to 1983.” From a letter written by Gerald Jupitter-Larsen to the compiler.
Organizer(s): Lengyel, András
Location: Mini Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 23 April – 12 May, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation, Postcard, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Ruch List], Liget
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation, Postcard, Poster
Organizer(s): Huber, Joseph
Location: Klub der Kulturschaffenden, Berlin, East Germany
Date: 19 March – 23 April, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Jesch East German List]
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Below, Peter – Monty Cantsin (István Kántor)
Location: Würzburg, Germany
Date: 21-27 June, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Monoskope
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog, Poster
Bibliography: Unestablished Situations, in: Kántor, István: Roll Over Picasso. E.F. Higgins III. His Life Art Legend, Brooklyn, NY, USA, Autonomedia, 2023, pp. 249-264.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Jupitter-Larsen, Gerald
Publisher: Gerald Jupitter-Larsen, Vancouver, Canada
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Publication
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Publication
"Liquids from the Human Body was a collective book I organized in 1982. People were asked to send me 100 copies of their page. After the deadline I combined them and send everyone a copy back.” From a letter written by Gerald Jupitter-Larsen to the compiler.
Organizer(s): Jacob, John P. - HYPE (The Journal of the Happy Young People Enterprise)
Location: Portland Fine Arts Gallery, Portland, Maine
Date: June, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Artfoot
Location: KPFA, 94.1, California, USA
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (Post Arte No. 3, 1982)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Arts, Arno
Location: Galerie Im Zwinger, St. Wendel, West Germany, April, 1982; Kunstcentrum de Gele Rijder, Arnhem, Holland, May, 1982
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog (Festival of Arts)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog (Festival of Arts)
Bibliography: Festival of Arts – Arno Arts, Arnhem, Netherlands, 1982, 75 p.
Organizer(s): Colectivo 3 (Araceli Zúñiga – Blanca Noval – Aarón Flores – César Espinosa)
Location: Pinacoteca Universitaria de la Universidad Autonoma De Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, 15 April, 1982; Xochimilco center at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana en la Ciudad de México, 16 – 27 May, 1983; Arte Correo, Museum of the City of Mexico, 2009-2010
Date: 1981–1983
Number of participants: 350, 45 countries
Document(s): Call (in Post Arte No. 1), Article, Works, List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt, Post-MOMA
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants (in: Espinosa, César (ed.): Post/Arte No. 2B, Mexico City, Mexico, March, 1982)
Bibliography: Poema Colectivo: Revolución and the International Mail Art Network
Nogueira, Fernanda: Revolution: A Collective Poem. The Poetic and Political Powers of the Mail Art Network III, in:, 2014
“The artists’ group Colectivo 3 initiated the Poema Colectivo in Mexico City in 1981 and drew upon the international mail art network, some of whose members had been exchanging artworks and unconventional ideas about art through the mail for more than a decade. The invited artists received sheets of paper with blank squares in the center, where they were invited to mark their responses to the theme of revolution. The results, mailed back to Colectivo 3 from forty-five countries, provide insight into a broad array of artistic and political views and strategies. One of the main principles of this artist-to-artist interaction was that all works submitted to the project were accepted, as was the case for all mail art projects. By refusing to employ selection criteria, mail artists constructed a system in which formalist notions of quality and curatorial intervention were of little importance.”
Author(s)/Editor(s): Espinosa, César – Colectivo-3
Publisher: Colectivo-3, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: 1982–
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Organizer(s): Deacon, Riana – Ken Saville
Location: Artroom, Placitas Elementary School, New Mexico, USA
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Postcard (Call)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Löbach, Bernd
Location: Galerie für Visuelle Erlebnisse, Weddel, West Germany
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (May 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Tisa, B. J. (Artist Agency)
Location: Cape Fear Arts Foundation Gallery, Wilmington, North Carolina; Collingswood, New Jersey
Date: 1982
Number of participants: 300, 25 countries
Document(s): Call (Mail-art Shows and Project Info sheet from Chuck Stake Enterprizes), Article, Letter
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (March 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Article, Letter
Bibliography: Tisa, Benedict: The Art of Postcards, in: Art Matters, July/August 1982., p.2.
Organizer(s): Maggi, Ruggero
Location: Internationalist Arts Festival, San Francisco, California, USA
Date: May, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, SEE Anti WW3 show above!
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (January 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Maggi, Ruggero
Location: Artestudio, Ponte Nossa, Italy
Date: 20 November – 5 December, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Magazine, Poster (List of participants)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Poster (list of participants), List of Amazonic projects (by Maggi)
Organizer(s): Kato, Kowa
Location: Nylon 100%, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Date: 2–16 February, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Call
Organizer(s): Spiegelman, Lon – Neal Taylor (Skooter)
Location: Double Rocking G Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Poster (List of participants)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call (postcard), Poster
Organizer(s): Higgins III, E. F.
Location: E. 13th St., New York, New York, USA
Date: November, 1982; 31 March–28 April, 1984
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Artistamps
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Gina Lotta, Held [Umbrella (September 1982)]
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog
Organizer(s): Maggi, Ruggero
Location: Italy, Australia and Mexico
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of participants, Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Flores, Aaron – César Espinosa – Manuel Marin – Paulo Bruscky – Jesús Romeo Galdaméz – Carmen Medina
Location: Col. Narvarte, Mexico
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (September 1982); Jean Brown], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Organizer(s): Gottschalk, Jürgen
Location: Gottschalk Werkstatt, Dresden, East Germany, 20 – 27 February, 1982; Theaterclub Dresden, March, 1982
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (Poster), Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Salvatore De Rosa], Lomholt, MailArtists
Available for research at Artpool: Call (poster)
Organizer(s): Anderson, Simon
Location: Royal College of Art, London, Great Britain
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Bleus, Guy
Location: Cultural Centre De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium
Date: 17 December, 1981 – 10 January, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Poster, Catalog, Photos
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Ruch List], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Comment: See the Texts page for the Mail Art Initiation text by Bleus published in this catalog.
Organizer(s): Vlugt, Harald – Peter Verhaar – Harry Hoogstraten – Jan W. Vugts
Location: Aorta, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: November, 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Umbrella (November 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Galántai, György – Klaniczay, Júlia (Artpool)
Location: Fészek Klub, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 6–25 April, 1982
Number of participants: 550, 35 countries
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Invitation, Postcard, Video
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Koppány Márton]
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog, Invitation, Postcard, Video
Organizer(s): Captain Collage
Location: Postcard Palace, San Francisco, California, USA
Date: 1982
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Umbrella (March 1982)], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call