Location: Museum Narodowe, Poznan, Poland
Date: May, 1985
Number of participants: 97, 19 countries
Document(s): Call, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog
“it all seems to boil down to the quality of the contact not the quantity.” Perkins, Stephen: Magazine Reviews, Box of Water, No. 2, 1986
Location: Galleria Hatria, Bergamo, Italy
Date: 21 September–4 October, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Article
Bibliography: De Santis, Antonio: Da Villa di Serio una pacifica “bomba” per conquistare il mondo con l’arte, Il giornale di Bergamo-oggi, 10 Aogosto, 1985, p. 8
De Santis, Antonio: I massimi esponenti della “mail art” presenti alla mostra di Villa di Serio, Il giornale di Bergamo-oggi, 15 Aogosto, 1985, p. 10
Si conclude oggi la 3a Biennale all’insegna mondiale “mail art”, Il giornale di Bergamo-oggi, 25 Aogosto, 1985, p. 8
Author(s)/Editor(s): Perkins, Stephen
Publisher: Stephen Perkins, Almelo, Netherlands
Date: 1985–1988
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issue Nos. 1–4
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Issue Nos. 1, 2
“I got involved in the ma-network in 1984 while I was living in San Francisco. […]Inspired by all this activity I decided in early 1985 to start my own magazine. I put out a call for submissions to Box of Water and things just started to flood into my mailbox. At this point I became well and truly hooked on the whole activity. I realized that it was more than just a distribution system but a whole alternative culture that had a history and philosophy as well. Aside from being excited by the visual submissions‑I was particularly seeking image/text work, the other magazines from the network that people sent for review really excited me. The range of magazines, the different activities covered and the fact that they came from many countries really inspired me and I fell in love with them and with this whole underground publishing culture. The first issue of Box of Water came out sometime in the middle of that year (1985) and I was pleased with the response and immediately started collecting material for the next one. Slowly I also became aware of other people in the San Francisco area who were publishing work from the same network and I became aware of being part of a local community of publishers and artists as well as being part of a larger international community of like‑minded people. “ Janssen, Ruud: The Mail-Interview With Stephen Perkins, IUOMA, 1996
Organizer(s): Bennink, Sylvia
Location: Almelo, Netherlands
Date: 1985
Number of participants: 5
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Ashworth, Robert (Thinker)
Location: Bellingham, Washington, USA
Date: May, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
Organizer(s): Maggi, Ruggero
Location: Centro Civico di Piazza Ferretto, Mestre, Italy
Date: 13–24 April, 1985
Number of participants: 200+
Document(s): Poster, Postcard, List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Stake, Chuck
Location: CCAG, Nelson Building, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Date: May, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call, List of Participants
Organizer(s): Dressler, Uwe
Location: Cottbus, East-Germany
Date: 1985
Number of participants: 257
Document(s): Article, Interview, Postcard
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Dittert, Held [TAM (Summer 1985)], Horch und Guck
Available for research at Artpool: Article, Postcard
Bibliography: Dittert, Franziska: Mail-Art in der DDR: eine intermediale Subkultur im Kontext der Avantgarde, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2010, p. 278
Das DRESDNER Mail Art-Gespr äch vom 4.5.2002 in der Galerie kraussERBEN, Horch und Guck. Zeitschrift der Gedenkstätte Museum in der “Runden Ecke” Leipzig, Heft 40/2002, pp. 37–40.
“Aufgrund seiner Mail Art-Aktivitaten wird Dressler lange von der Staatssicherheit beobachtet und die Post, die er verschikt und erhalt, wird geöffnet und kopiert. Die von ihm 1985 organisierte Ausstellung seines Mail Art-Projekts “Contrast” soll zunachst verboten werden, kann letzlich aber doch gezeigt werden.Die Mitarbeiter der Staatssicherheit bespitzeln die Ausstellung jedoch intensiv. Der Druck eines Mail Art-Plkates wird Dressler als Ordnungswidrigkeit ausgelegt und er wird dafür mit einer Geldstrafe belangt.” Dittert, Franziska: Mail-Art in der DDR: eine intermediale Subkultur im Kontext der Avantgarde, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2010, p. 278
Location: Araraquara, Brazil
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants, Call
Organizer(s): Post-Arte – César Espinosa
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Date: October–November, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, List of Participants, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Kaldron
Available for research at Artpool: Call, List of Participants
Biblography: Espinoza, César: The Biennials of Visual and Experimental Poetry in Mexico, Kaldron On-Line, 1998
“Artists who are constantly active in different countries of Europe and North America, like Enzo Minarelli and Fernando Aguiar, have emphasized the importance of the Mexican biennial, observing that while the European festivals are more restricted and are limited to one or two aspects, here room has been made to unfold the broad spread of experimental poetry comprising performance and sound poetry, videopoetry, street actions with the public, exhibitions of graphic/visual and concrete poetry, theoretical/documentary colloquia, and sessions of dance and musical experimentation.” Espinoza, César: The Biennials of Visual and Experimental Poetry in Mexico, Kaldron On-Line, 1998
Organizer(s): Emerenciano – Escola Preparatória De Valbom
Location: Valbom, Portugal
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
“In the course of the ‘2.a Semana Cultural da Escola Preparatória e Secundária de Valbom’ an international Mail-Art exhibition was organized on the theme ‘Youth and the Future’.”
Organizer(s): Stake, Chuck
Location: Off Centre Centre, Calgary, Canada
Date: 19 February–15 March, 1985
Number of participants: 25
Document(s): List of Participants, Article, Invitation, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Specific Object
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants, Article, Invitation
Organizer(s): Joki Mail Art (Jo Klaffki)
Location: Kulturszene Fabrik e.V., Minden, Germany
Date: 9 February–5 March, 1985
Number of participants: 72
Document(s): Catalog, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Marx, Graciela Gutierrez
Location: La Plata, Argentina
Date: 1985–1992
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issue Nos. 1–9.
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Issue Nos. 1–9.
Organizer(s): Ring House Gallery
Location: Ring House Gallery – Galleria of Rutherford Library, University of Alberta, Canada, 5 December, 1985–5 January, 1986; The True North Strong and Free, Edmonton, 8–9 November, 1986
Date: 1985–1986
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
“Images of Peace is the Second Annual Global Mail Art Exhibition organized by the Ring House Gallery (the first being Peace Earth Peace, which is currently touring Canada).”
Organizer(s): Held, John, Jr.
Location: Dallas Public Library, Dallas, Texas, USA
Date: 11 September–31 October, 1985
Number of participants: 200+
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Galerie für Visuelle Erlebnisse – Otty & Bernd Löbach – Museum für moderne Kunst Weddel
Location: Gallery of Visual Experience, West Germany
Date: 25 January–28 March, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Soós, Tamás
Location: Liget Galéria, Budapest, Hungary, 15 November–6 December, 1985; Kortárs Művészeti Fórum, Budapest, Hungary, 26 November–13 December, 1985
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Poster (List of Participants)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Poster (List of Participants)
Organizer(s): Club of Young Artists (FMK) – Vásárhelyi Antal
Location: Petőfi Csarnok, Budapest, Hungary
Date: 21 October–21 November, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Jackson, Sarah – Doug Barron – Ken Word
Location: Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Canada
Date: 1985
Number of participants: 240
Document(s): Catalog, Article, Letter
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Article, Letter
[Sarah Jackson] “arranged international copy art festivals and mail art exhibitions, believing that this could lead to an ideal democratic interchange between artists and the public, without regard to political, economic or cultural barriers. Jackson documented these with published catalogues including the 1985 ‘International Mail/Copier Art Exhibition’ catalogue which received an award of excellence from the Art Museum Association of America. The assembled works were displayed both in London in 1987 and at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in 1992 and became part of the collection of the Canadian Postal Museum.” Wikipedia
Organizer(s): Klaffki, Jo (Joki)
Location: Kulturszene Fabrik, Minden, Germany
Date: November–December, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
Organizer(s): Klaffki, Jo (Joki)
Location: Kulturszene Fabrik, Minden, Germany
Date: 1985
Number of participants: 120
Document(s): Catalog, Letter
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Organizer(s): Calvert, Peggy L.
Location: La Mirada Festival, California, USA
Date: Summer, 1985
Number of participants: 208 participants, 23 countries
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Mascheroni, Roberto Maria
Location: Centro Congressi “Villa Ponti”, Varese, Italy
Date: 27 November–8 December, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Author(s)/Editor(s): Rypson, Piotr
Publisher: Akademia Ruchu, Warsawa, Poland
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Book
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Book
Organizer(s): Olbrich, Jürgen O. – Students of the Academy of Arts
Location: Artspace, Kassel, Germany
Date: 3 July, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Poster, Photo
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Photo
Organizer(s): Caravita, Lamberto
Location: Chiesa del Carmine, Massa Lombarda, Italy
Date: 1–7 September, 1985
Number of participants: 130, 27 countries
Document(s): Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation
Organizer(s): Lenoir, Pascal
Location: A.S.C.A., Beauvois, France
Date: 10 December, 1985–10 January, 1986
Number of participants: 250+
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog, Poster
Comment: See also the issues of the assembling magazine.
Organizer(s): Kierspel, Jürgen
Location: Galerie Kröger, Kirchheim unter Teck, Germany
Date: 18 August–20 September, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
Organizer(s): Fox, Michael – Goethegymnasium Hildesheim
Location: Stadttheater Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany
Date: June–July, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Asociacion Uruguaya de Artistas Correo
Location: AEBU, Montevideo, Uruguay
Date: 19 July–?, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants, Article, Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants, Article, Invitation
Organizer(s): Baroni, Vittore – Arci-Poesia
Location: Ottovolante ’85, Circuito di produzione di poesia, Palazzo Gaddi, Florence, Italy
Date: 1–31 March, 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Author(s)/Editor(s): Klaffki, Josef (Joki)
Publisher: Joki Mail Art, Minden, Germany
Date: 1985–1997
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues No. 1–13
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Tentatively a Convenience
Available for research at Artpool: Issues No. 2–6, 8, 13
“Sometime between February & April of 1984, Stewart Home started a magazine called ‘SMILE’. In it, he encouraged everyone to call their magazine SMILE.” Tentatively a Convenience
Organizer(s): Dicey, Mark
Location: The Canadian Correspondence Gallery (CCAG), Calgary, Canada
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants, Photos
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants, Photos
Organizer(s): Thomas, Kay
Location: Rockwall Texas High School Art Department, Rockwall, Texas, USA
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Letter
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Creative Thing]
Available for research at Artpool: Letter
Organizer(s): Anelli, Salvatore – Rodolfo Granafei
Location: Cultural Center of Comiso, Italy
Date: 1985
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Comment: This catalog also contains some documents related to the International Shadow Project.
“The United States Air Force deployed Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCM) to Comiso Air Base in June 1983. Women from Italy, Europe, and other parts of the world created a peace camp in Comiso in 1983 to protest the building of the base. They were inspired by women activists at the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp in England.
The missiles were eventually dismantled after the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) was signed by the former Soviet Union and the United States on 8 December 1987. The last 16 GLCMs left Comiso Air Base in 1991 and the American-occupied part of the base was returned to Italian control.” Wikipedia
Organizer(s): Prado, Gilberto
Location: Bloco C, Galeria do Centro de Convivencia Cultural de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 8 August–1 September, 1985; Paco Das Artes, Sao Paulo, Brazília, 04–26 february, 1986
Date: 1985–1986
Number of participants: 240, 31 countries
Document(s): Posters (List of Participants), Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Posters (List of Participants), Invitation
Organizer(s): Steak, Chuck – Mark Dicey
Location: Off Centre Centre, Calgary, Canada, 3–20 July 1985; Modern Realism Gallery, Dallas, Texas, USA, September 1985; AKA Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, January, 1986
Date: 1985
Number of participants: 350
Document(s): Call, Catalog, Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Catalog, Invitation
Organizer(s): Baroni, Vittore – Piermario Ciani – P. Vannozzi
Location: Modern Art Museum, Forte dei Marmi, Italy
Date: 1–30, August, 1985
Number of participants: 17
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog