Author(s)/Editor(s): Friedman, Ken
Publisher: Beau Geste Press, Collumpton, Devon, UK
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Publication
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Publication
Author(s)/Editor(s): Groh, Klaus
Publisher: Verlag DuMont Aktuell Schauberg, Köln, Germany
Date: 1972
Number of participants: 78, 6 countries
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Valoch, Jiri
Location: Brno, Czechoslovakia
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call (in: IAC No. 4)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [IAC], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool:
"...the first big international exhibition of land-art, project- and concept-art and also mail-art (=art by post)." in: Groh, Klaus (ed.): IAC No. 4, Oldenburg, Germany, 1972
Organizer(s): Kalkmann, Hans-Werner (Central Administration of Artistic Environment Defence)
Location: Galerie Impact, Lausanne, Switzerland, 16–30 November, 1972; Katakombe Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 1973; Central Administration of Artistic Environment Defence, 1973
Date: 1972–1973
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation, Summary
Source(s) of the listed documents: Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Invitation
Organizer(s): Ehrenberg, Felipe - Martha Ehrenberg
Location: Collumpton, Devon, UK
Date: 1972-1974
Number of participants:
Document(s): Articles
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Art Cornwall
Available for research at Artpool: See entry of Schmuck down below this page. See "Testimonios" at the year 1978.
Organizer(s): Plaza, Julio
Location: link
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents:
Available for research at Artpool:
Organizer(s): Image Bank
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog & Photos
Source(s) of the listed documents: Ciel Variable Archives, Vincent Trasov
Available for research at Artpool:
"This is a response to Ray Johnson’s” Marcel Duchamp Fan Club”. The project was designed to encourage reflection on Marcel Duchamp’s urinal as a readymade sculpture. The art critic Barbara Rose’s name is intentionally misspelled in reference to Duchamp’s alter ego Rrose Selavy."
Organizer(s): Padín, Clemente
Location: Galerie U, Montevideo, Uruguay
Date: 7 February – 5 March, 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Fondazio Bonotto
Available for research at Artpool:
Author(s)/Editor(s): General Idea (AA Bronson – Jorge Zontal – Felix Partz)
Publisher: General Idea, Toronto, Canada
Date: 1972–1989
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: ArtBook, Vincent Trasov
Available for research at Artpool: Issues No. 2–3, 5
Bibliography: Morris, Michael (ed.): Hand of the Spirit: Documents of the Seventies from the Morris / Trasov Archive, UBC Fine Art Gallery, Vancouver, 1992
Allen, Gwen: The Magazine As Mirror, File, 1972–1989, in: Allen, Gwen: Artist’s Magazines. An Alternative Space for Art, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2011, pp. 147–173. [Book available at Artpool]
"General Idea publishes the first issue of File Magazine. Vincent Trasov a.k.a. Mr. Peanut is on the cover which appropriates the look of Life Magazine, which ceased publishing in the mid 1970s. News of Image Bank activities and the Image Bank artist’s address and request lists are featured."
Organizer(s): Mayor, David – Mike Weaver – Felipe Ehrenberg
Location: College Gallery (exhibitions) – Arts Centre (performances), Falmouth, England; Croydon College of Art, England, 15–26 January, 1973; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, England, 10–25 February 1973; Cardiff, England, 14 June, 1973; Blackburn Museum, England, 6–21 July, 1973; Hastings, England, 17–24 August, 1973; Midland Group Gallery, Nottingham, England, September, 1973; Falmouth, England, 23–31 October, 1973
Date: October, 1972 – October, 1973
Number of participants: ca. 100
Document(s): Catalog, Interview, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Art Cornwall, Fondazione Bonotto, Held [Crane], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Author(s)/Editor(s): Groh, Klaus (International Artist’s Cooperation)
Publisher: Klaus Groh, Oldenburg, Germany
Date: 1972–1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Issues Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8-12, 13-15, 17-18, 22-23, 26.
Comment: The first issues were co-edited by Hans-Werner Kalkmann.
"Groh had published this sheet from 1972 to 1977, compiling contact information for mail artists from all over the world based on the mail art works he had received." Thurmann-Jajes, Anne: Robert Rehfeldt and RuthWolf-Rehfeldt. Their GDR-Based International Network, in: Set Up 4 Artists‘ Publications, No. 1,
Organizer(s): Johnson, Ray
Location: Wabash Transit Gallery, Chicago, USA
Date: 1–12 February, 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Patricia Tavenner], Ray Johnson Estate
Available for research at Artpool: Call (reproduction)
Bibliography: Plunkett, Edward M.: The New York Correspondence School (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings and Objects... ), in: Art Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3., 1977/Spring, pp. 233-235.
Organizer(s): Friedman, Ken
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held
Available for research at Artpool:
Friedman, one of the youngest members of Fluxus, also participated in Mail Art, publishing the influential NYCS Weekly Breeder. In 1972, he presented his One Year-One Man Show at the Oakland Museum and the Ken Friedman and Friends in Process at the Vancouver Art Gallery, both of which included the concept of having works mailed to the exhibition. His idea was to design a show “which would provide a flow of information growing, changing, maturing, and regressing along with the flow of life.” Friedman’s ideas reached fruition in Omaha Flow Systems, becoming a model for future exhibitions of Mail Art., Held, John Jr.: Small Scale Subversion: Mail Art & Artistamps, TAM Publications, 2015
Author(s)/Editor(s): Csernik Attila - Szombathy Bálint
Publisher: Szombathy Bálint, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Date: 1972–1973
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Call, No. 2 Bibliography: Csernik Attila - Szombathy Bálint (eds.): Kontaktor 973. Mixed Up Underground 73, Bosch+Bosch, Novi Sad, 1973
Organizer(s): Johnson, Ray
Location: Wabash Transit Gallery, Chicago, USA,
Date: 10 February, 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Ray Johnson Estate
Available for research at Artpool: Article
Bibliography: Plunkett, Edward M.: The New York Correspondence School (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings and Objects... ), in: Art Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3., 1977/Spring, pp. 233-235.
Organizer(s): Johnson, Ray
Location: New York Cultural Center, New York, USA
Date: 3 June, 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artists' Books And Multiples
Available for research at Artpool: NYCS - CHRO NO LOGY
Organizer(s): Beke, László
Location: Chapel Studio of György Galántai, Balatonboglár, Hungary
Date: 26–27 August, 1972
Number of participants: 24
Document(s): Galántai's Diary, Photos
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool,
Available for research at Artpool: Galántai’s Diary, Beke’s Notes, Correspondence, Photos
Bibliography: Illegal Avant-garde, the Balatonboglár Chapel Studio of György Galántai 1970–1973, Artpool–Balassi, Budapest, 2003, p. 142. (Ed. by Júlia Klaniczay – Edit Sasvári)
Organizer(s): D'Hondt, Roger
Location: New Reform, Aalst, Belgium
Date: 13 December, 1972 – 15 January, 1973
Number of participants: 15
Document(s): Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation
Organizer(s): Michael Morris a.k.a. Marcel Idea, Vincent Trasov a.k.a. Mr. Peanut, Glenn Lewis a.k.a. Flakey Rose-Hips and John Jack Baylin a.k.a. Count Fanzini
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation, Memory Festival, Retrospektive exhibition
Source(s) of the listed documents: Memory Festival, Geist, Vincent Trasov, Yuula Benivolski, Vancouver Art in the Sixities
Available for research at Artpool:
"[...] created the mail-art exchange group known as the New York Corres Sponge Dance School of Vancouver—part of a network of artists that included General Idea in Toronto, Ant Farm in San Francisco and the New York Correspondence School under Ray Johnson. The NYCSDSOV camouflaged its meetings as performances at the Vancouver Aquatic Centre, public events witnessed by bemused fellow swimmers, featuring synchronized aquatic routines and shark fin swimming caps designed by Kate Craig (a co-founder of the Western Front)." Wisdom, David & Stephen Osborne: THE ARTIST AS A FRAUD: GLENN LEWIS
"While in New York, the New York Corres-Sponge Dance School of Vancouver hosts a banquet at Gordon Matta-Clark’s “Food” Restaurant." Trasov, Vincent – Michael Morris: An Early History of Image Bank (now known as Morris/Trasov Archive), in:
Organizer(s): Friedman, Ken (Fluxus West)
Location: Oakland Museum, Oakland, California, USA
Date: 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Articles
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Articles
Bibliography: Albright, Thomas: A Guerrilla Attack on Traditional Art Ideas, in: San Francisco Oracle, 9 February, 1972, p. 49.
One-Year, One-Man Show, in: Artweek. West Coast Art News, 22 January, 1972, p. 3.
"Friedman, one of the youngest members of Fluxus, also participated in Mail Art, publishing the influential NYCS Weekly Breeder. In 1972, he presented his One Year-One Man Show at the Oakland Museum and the Ken Friedman and Friends in Process at the Vancouver Art Gallery, both of which included the concept of having works mailed to the exhibition. His idea was to design a show ‘which would provide a flow of information growing, changing, maturing, and regressing along with the flow of life.” Friedman’s ideas reached fruition in Omaha Flow Systems, becoming a model for future exhibitions of Mail Art.” Held, John, Jr.: Small Scale Subversion: Mail Art & Artistamps, TAM-Publications, Breda, Netherlands, April, 2015, p. 66.
Author(s)/Editor(s): Mayor, David
Publisher: Beau Geste Press, Cullompton, Devon, UK
Date: 1972–1976
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artmargins, Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Issues, Nos. 1-8.,
Bibliography: Gilbert, Zanna: "Something Unnamable Common": Translocal Collaboration at the Beau Geste Press, in: artmargins, Vol. 1, Nos. 2-3, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2012
Comment: See the special issue Hungarian Schmuck.
Organizer(s): Friedman, Ken
Location: North Galleries, Henry Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Date: 11 July – 15 December, 1972
Number of participants:
Document(s): Chronology, Article reference
Source(s) of the listed documents: Friedman, Henry Art Collections
Available for research at Artpool:
Bibliography: Friedman, Ken: Flowing In Omaha, in: Art and Artists, London, August, 1973
"Work in Progress, the final pre-Omaha systemic from which the Flow System derived, involved the forwarding of all my mail over a six-month span to The Henry Art Gallery of the University of Washington in Seattle, while the museum engendered massive public participation by a saturation campaign of invitations throughout the region." Friedman, Ken: Flowing In Omaha, in: Art and Artists, London, August, 1973,