Anna Banana List = Anna Banana: The postal encounter: outside the official circuits for a different vision of the dimension of reality, Vancouver, Canada, 1981, Typescript
Artweek = Weekly art journal published in Oakland, California. Section on Competitions: Miscellaneous contains mail art show information. Specific issues cited in text.
AU = Mail art magazine edited by Art Unidentified, Hyogo, Japan. Specific issues cited in text.
Chuck Stake List = Stake, Chuck (Don Mabie): Chuck Stake Enterprizes History, 1984, Typescript photocopy
Crane = Crane, Mike – Mary Stofflet: Correspondence Art, Contemporary Press, San Francisco, 1984, pp. 451-468.
Creative Thing = Creative Thing (Leslie Caldera): Listing of 215 mail art shows participated in from 1978 to 1985, Whittier, California, 1985, Photocopy
Giovanni Fontana = Esperienze verbo-visive 1963-1983, Frosinone, Italy, Poisis, 1983
IAC = Mail art magazine published by Klaus Groh, West Germany. Specific issues cited in text.
Instant Media Dispatch = Nevai, Andrew (ed.): Instant Media Dispatch, Floridada, New York, 1978
Jean Brown = Source material (invitations, posters, catalogs) examined by Held on-site at the Jean Brown Archives, Tyringham, Massachusetts
Jesch East German List = Birger Jesch: Mail art projects and shows in GDR from the first until 1984, Krels Saalfeld, East germany, 1985, Photocopy
Koppany Marton = Koppány Márton: List of mail art shows, Budapest, Hungary, 1985, Typescript
Le Timbre = Mail art magazine edited by Daniel Daligand, Levallois, France.
Mantua Catalog = Romani Peli and Michaela Versari (eds.): Mantua Mail 78, Assessoration Cultura Comune di Mantova, Mantova, Italy, pp. 27-30.
Michel Corfu List = Michel Corfu: Liste de ma participation aux expositions ou show du mail art en 1981, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 1981
National Stampographic = Rubber stamp magazine edited by Melody and Franklin Stein, Nort Valley Stream, New York, Specific issues cited in text.
Participation = Mail at magazin published by Clemente Padín, Montevideo, Uruguay. Specific issues cited in text.
Patricia Tavenner = Tavenner, Patricia: Mail Art Show List, Oakland, California, 1985, Photocopy
Poste Arte = Mail art magazine edited by Colectivo-3, Mexico. Specific issues cited in text.
Ruch List = Ruch, Günther: 1974-84: 10 Years Experience In The Mail Art Field, Geneva, Switzerland, 1984, Photocopy
Salvatore De Rosa = Salvatore De Rosa: List of 147 mail art shows participated in from 1980 to 1985, Salerno, Italy, 1985, Photocopy
Smile = Mail art magazine published by Joki Mailart, Minden, West Germany. Issue examined by Held was Volume 2, 1985.
Spiegelman 80 List = Spiegelman, Lon: 1984 Mailart Events, in Spiegelman’s Mailart Rag, September 1985., pp. 4-5., 14-15.
Spiegelman La List, 78-83 = Spiegelman, Lon: Los Angeles Mail Art Shows (1978 through 1983), Los Angeles, California, 1983, Typeset
Spiegelman Mail Art Rag = Mail art magazine edited by Lon Spiegelman, Los Angeles, California. Specific issues cited in text.
Spiegelman’s Umbrella (March 1984) = Special mail art issue of Umbrella magazine, later retracted by the editor.
TAM = Mail art magazine edied by Ruud Janssen, Tilberg, Holland. Specific issues cited in text.
Tommy Mew = Tommy Mew: Twenty Secrets for C.D.O. Parma, Italy, 1978, Photocopy
Tyler James Hoare = Tyler James Hoare: Listing of 53 Mail Art Shows From 1971-1985, Berkeley, California, 1985, Typescript
Umbrella = Art information magazine edited by Judith Hoffberg in Glendale, California (1978–2008). Specific issues cited in text.