Organizer(s): Olbrich, Jürgen O.
Location: Kunoldstrasse 34., Kassel, Germany
Date: 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Poster (List of Participants)
Organizer(s): Grupo Mira – César Espinoza – Victor Muñoz – etc.
Location: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Ciudad de Morelia – Galeria Univeritaria Antonio Ximénez de las Cuevas – Escuola de Diseno y Artesanias, Mexico, 11 September–11 October, 1978; Galería Universitaria, Toluca, 30 October–30 November, 1978; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico, 3 November–10 December, 1978; Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 6–18 July, 1979
Date: 1978–1979
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Souza, Al
Location: Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Date: 1978
Number of participants: ca. 64
Document(s): Catalog (stamp sheet)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane], Worldcat
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog (stamp sheet)
Organizer(s): Hoffberg, Judith – Joan Hugo
Location: Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California, USA, 28 February–30 March, 1978; Franklin Furnace, New York City, USA, 10–30 June, 1978; Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 15–29 September, 1978; New Orleans Contemporary Art Center, Louisiana, USA, October–November, 1978
Date: 1978
Number of participants: 549
Document(s): Catalog, Postcard
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane; Spiegelman LA List, 78-83]
Organizer(s): Kostelanetz, Richard - Henry James Korn
Location: Pratt Graphics Center Gallery, New York, New York, USA
Date: 7–28 October, 1978
Number of participants: ca. 100+
Document(s): Catalog, Invitation
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Author(s)/Editor(s): Spatola, Adriano – Ivano Burani
Publisher: Edizioni Pubbliart Bazar, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Date: 1978–1996
Number of participants:
Document(s): Ad, Audiotapes, Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Issues Nos. 2-11, No. 15, No. 23
"Spatola had been publishing poetry magazines and chapbooks since the early 1960s in Bologna and Milan. In 1968, with brothers Maurizio and Tiziano, he founded Geiger, a publishing house dedicated to avantgarde writing (see here). After the death of Spatola, 3ViTre publisher Enzo Minarelli took over the magazine and published new issues well into the mid-1990s." Continuo: Baobab issue #1, in:, 2012
Organizer(s): C.D.O. (Romano Peli - Michaela Versari)
Location: Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, Italy
Date: 9–15 December, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog, Catalog (bigger)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Fonadazione Bonotto
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Dietrich, Albrecht
Location: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 3 June-30 August, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Poster
Organizer(s): C.D.O. (Romano Peli - Michaela Versari)
Location: Nuova Galleria Del Teatro, Palazzo del Governatore Piazza Garibaldi, Parma, Italy
Date: 25 May–10 June, 1978
Number of participants: 26 countries
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Dziamski, Grzegors
Location: Maximal Art Gallery, Poznan, Poland
Date: 8–12 May, 1978
Number of participants: 65
Document(s): List of Participants (in: Biulletin Maximal Art, November 1978)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: List of Participants
Organizer(s): Bruscky, Paulo – Santiago
Location: Unicap, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
Date: 15–30 July, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Poster (List of Participants)
Comment: See the 2nd festival Festival de Inverno [Summer Festival] in 1979.
Organizer(s): Cook, Geoffrey – Julien Blaine
Date: 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Letter by Cabvolt, Call by Julien Blaine, Work by Ogaz 1 | 2, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Article
Bibliography: Cook, Geoffrey: The Padín / Caraballo Project, in: Crane, Michael — Mary Stofflet (eds.): Correspondence Art. Source Book for Network of International Postal Art Activity, Contemporary Arts Press, San Francisco, 1984, pp. 369-373.
Held, John Jr.: Fifty Years of Latin American Mail Art,, 16 December, 2014,
Organizer(s): Maciunas, George – Billie Hutching
Location: 537 Broadway, Manhattan, New York City, USA
Date: 28 February, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Photos, Notes, Videos, Video
Source(s) of the listed documents: Dimitri Devyatkin, Fondazione Bonotto
Available for research at Artpool: George Maciunas
Bibliography: "Fluxus etc." exhibition catalogue, Cranbrook Academy, Bloomfield Hill, 1981, p. 292.
Organizer(s): Carrión, Ulises
Location: Other Books and So., Amsterdam, Holland; Young Artists’ Club (FMK), Budapest, Hungary
Date: 8–14 December, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog (for the Amsterdam show), Catalog (for the Budapest show)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog (for the Budapest show)
Organizer(s): Burch, Charlton
Location: Ann Arbor Public Library, Michigan, USA, 1–30 July, 1978; Artist Guild of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 5–26 May, 1979.
Date: 1978-1979
Number of participants: 190
Document(s): Catalog, Call, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Umbrella (July 1979], Lightworks
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Call, Poster, Umbrella
Organizer(s): Carrión, Ulises
Location: Galerie S:t Petri Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art, Lund, Sweden
Date: 14-15 February, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Poster
Organizer(s): C.D.O. (Romano Peli - Michaela Versari)
Location: Casa Del Mantegna, Mantova, Italy
Date: 21 September–21 October, 1978
Number of participants: 140, 28 countries
Document(s): Catalog, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Poster
Bibliography: Held, John Jr.: The Mail Art Exhibition: Personal Worlds to Cultural Strategies, in: Chandler, Annmarie – Norie Neumark (eds.): At a Distance. Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts – London, England, 2005, pp. 97-98.
Organizer(s): Elling, Tom – Lomholt Formular Press (Niels Lomholt)
Location: Hvidovre Kunstbibliotek, Hvidovre, Denmark
Date: 10–27 May, 1978
Number of participants: 140, 28 countries
Document(s): Photos, Call, Documents
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Call, Formular
Comment: See the documentation of the next part of this project at the year 1979.
Author(s)/Editor(s): CabVolt (Steve Hitchcock)
Publisher: CabVolt, San Diego, California, USA
Date: 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Publication
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Publication
Comment: See the 1st issue.
Organizer(s): Werner, Kalus – Robert Rehfeldt – Rolf Staeck
Location: Galerie Arkade, Berlin, East-Germany
Date: 3 November–?, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Dittert, Held [Jean Brown; Crane]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog, Book
Bibliography: Dittert, Franziska: Mail Art In Der DDR. Eine Intermediale Subkultur Im Kontext Der Avantgarde, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2010, p. 33.
Organizer(s): Barneveld, Aart van
Location: Stempelplaats, St. Luciënsteeg 25, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date: 1–31 August, 1978
Number of participants: 80
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Organizer(s): Ehrenberg, Felipe (Libro Acción Libre – Beau Geste Press)
Location: Carrillo Gil Museum, Mexico City, Mexico
Date: 19 September, 1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Post-MOMA
Organizer(s): Zabala, Horacio
Location: Other Books and So, Amsterdam, 9–27, August, 1977; C.D.O., Parma, Italy, 1 October, 1977; Argentina, 7–27, January, 1978; Italy, May, 1978; Marseille, France, July, 1978; La Bugade, La Chartreuse De Villeneuve-Lez-Avignon, 23 July–6 August, 1978
Date: 1977–1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Calls, Catalogs, List of Participants
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: List of participants
Author(s)/Editor(s): Hoffberg, Judith
Publisher: Umbrella Associates, Santa Monica, California, USA
Date: 1978–2008
Number of participants: 38
Document(s): Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, IUPUI, Umbrella
Available for research at Artpool: Issues
Bibliography: Leslie, Anthony Marcus: The Career And Collection of Judith A. Hoffberg, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, 2012, p. 157, Manuscript
Author(s)/Editor(s): Summers, Rod (VEC)
Publisher: VEC, Maastricht, Netherlands
Date: 1978–1983
Number of participants: 180, 21 counties
Document(s): Calls, Lists of Participants, Casettes (Nos. 1–16.), DVD Anthology, Article, List of tapes & Interview
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Harsmedia, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Calls, Casettes (Nos. 1-16.), DVD Anthology, Articles
Bibliography: Summers, Rod (ed.): VEC Audio Exchange Project 1978-1983. Hear What You Think, VEC, Maastricht, Holland, 2008
Summers, Rod: VEC Audio Exchange, in: Lander, Dan — Micah Lexier (eds.): Sound by Artists, Art Metropole, Toronto — Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff (Canada), 1990, pp. 235-240.
Klaniczay, Júlia: Artpool’s Art Tour, 14 June – 31 July 1982, AL No.4, Artpool, Budapest, April 1983, pp. 3–7.,
Available for research at Artpool:
"By December 1982 a total of 15 cassettes – all 60 minutes with one exception – had been made within the framework of the V.E.C. audio exchange programme – with the participation of 100 artists (fine arts artists, poets, musicians). They are entitled Here, Listen, Clear, Glisten, Ear2Ear, Gathered Hear, Sep+tic, Still, Ulises´ Dog, Pythagoras´ Budgerigar, Grate, Ringade, Ether and Hark (Hard as you like). Other V.E.C cassettes have also been published outside of the exchange programme, and these are generally 150 numbered copies made from the works of a featured artist and for sale at ten dollars each." Klaniczay, Júlia: op. cit.