Author(s)/Editor(s): Angioni, Marcello - corresponding editors: Franco Beltrametti & Harry Hoogstraten
Publisher: Marcello Angioni, Luxembourg
Date: 1977 - 1981
Number of participants:
Document(s): Nos. 1-5
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artistbooks, Artpool, John Benjamins Antiquaritat
Available for research at Artpool: First Issue
"Dopo un grave incidente d’auto in Lussemburgo [Franco Beltrametti] passa tre mesi in ospedale e fonda con Marcello Angioni e Harry Hoogstraten la rivista ‘Abracadabra’.” Indicazioni bio-bibliografiche Franco Beltrametti (1937-1995), in: Riconsiderato, (Ed. by Szkárosi, Endre – Krisztián Puskár)
Organizer(s): Horiike, Tohei
Location: Union Gallery, San Jose State University, California, September, 1979; Santa Monica College Gallery, USA, October–November, 1979
Date: 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): List of Participants (until 2nd August, 1979), Calls, Invitation, Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: List of participants, Call, Catalog, Invitation
Author(s)/Editor(s): Rehfeldt, Robert
Publisher: Edition Contart, East-Berlin, Germany
Date: 1977–
Number of participants:
Document(s): Article, Posters (as different issues of the newsletter)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Fluxus Archive, Lomholt, Setup 4
Available for research at Artpool: Various issues
Bibliography: Thurmann-Jajes, Anne: Robert Rehfeldt and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt. Their GDR-Based International Network, in: setup4 No. 1,, 2013
"Rehfeldt’s phrase “CONTART”, a contraction of the words “contact” and “art”, was an attempt to defy nationalist sentiments by uniting “art workers” across borders through the principle of contact.” Paulo Bruscky & Robert Rehfeldt “Home Archives” and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt “Signs Fiction”at Chert, Berlin, in:, 2015
Organizer(s): Curman, Billy
Location: Broadway Galleries, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Date: March – 13 April, 1977
Number of participants: 150, 24 countries
Document(s): Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Crane; Anna Banana List]
Available for research at Artpool: Article (reprint downloaded)
Bibliography: Jensen, Dean: Pen Pal Art Show Flaunts Latest Rages and Outrages, in: The Milwaukee Sentinel, 11 March, 1977

Organizer(s): Hitchcock, Steve
Location: San Diego, California, USA
Date: 1977–1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Nos. 1-4
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Fluxus Archive, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Nos. 1
Author(s)/Editor(s): Petasz, Pawel (+ many others)
Publisher: Arriére-Garde, Elbag, Poland
Date: 1977–1990
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues, Articles
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt, Perkins, Perneczky
Available for research at Artpool: First Issue, List of issues
Bibliography: B.T.S., Commonpress Retrospective, Commonpress No. 56, Administration Center, Wellen, Belgium - Museum het Toreke, Tienen, Belgium, September, 1984, p. 141 (Ed. by Bleus, Guy) Commonpress publications, in: Perneczky, Géza: The Magazine Network. The Trends of Alternative Art in the Light of their Periodicals 1968-1988, Soft Geometry, Köln, 1993, pp. 265-266.
Comment: See the full list of published Commonpress issues at our page dedicated to the magazine.
Organizer(s): Carrión, Ulises (original idea by H.W Kalkmann)
Location: Other Books and So, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date: 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Photo, Article reference
Source(s) of the listed documents: E-Flux, Held [Crane]
Available for research at Artpool:

Organizer(s): Albrecht D.
Location: Reflections Press, Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 1972–1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Stake, Chuck (Don Mabie) – Dwayne Rourke
Location: Parachute Centre for Cultural Affairs, Calgary, Canada
Date: 1–15 June, 1977
Number of participants: 138
Document(s): Catalog (list of participants)
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane]
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog (list of participants)
Author(s)/Editor(s): Carrión, Ulises - Aart van Barneveld - Salvador Flores (eds.)
Publisher: Other Books and So, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date: 1977–1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Full series of Nos. 1-12
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt, Monoskop
Available for research at Artpool: Full series of Nos. 1-12
Organizer(s): Lomholt, Niels (Lomholt Formular Press)
Location: Falling, Denmark
Date: 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Formular publication
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Formular publication
Organizer(s): Ackerman, Blaster Al – Terry Reid – Betty Kelly
Location: Sculpture Centre Gallery, The Rocks, Sydney, Australia
Date: 17 May – 4 June, 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Invitation (poster), Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt, Mailbox Art Space
Available for research at Artpool: Invitation (poster)
Author(s)/Editor(s): Paull, Silke – Hervé Würz (eds.)
Publisher: Erwin Stegentritt, Saarbrücken, West-Germany
Date: 1977
Number of participants: 13
Document(s): Publication
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Publication
Organizer(s): Nannucci, Maurizio
Location: Zona, Firenze, Italy
Date: February–March, 1977
Number of participants: 100
Document(s): Article, Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane], Zona
Available for research at Artpool: Call
“Inbound/Outbound was an exhibition in 1977, the contents of which were sent directly to Zona (who had solicited their participation) by 100 artists from all over the world, with particular attention to East Europe countries, South America, Japan, and Australia.” Nannucci, Mauricio: Zona non profit art space and zona archives in Florence, in:
Organizer(s): Krojer, Tom - Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art (Jean Sellem)
Location: Huset, Copenhagen, Denmark - Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art, Lund, Sweden
Date: 27 January – 12 February, 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call, Poster
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Steven Leiber
Available for research at Artpool: Call
Comment: It is not clear wether the event was held in Copenhagen or in Lund
Organizer(s): Petasz, Pawel
Location: Pegaz Culture House, Elblag, Poland
Date: 1–30 December, 1977
Number of participants: 172
Document(s): Catalog, Invitation (poster), Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Held [Crane], Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Organizer(s): Huber, Joseph W.
Location: Berlin, West Germany
Date: 1977–
Number of participants: 170
Document(s): Postcard, Article
Source(s) of the listed documents: Held [Michel Corfou List], Lomholt, Außer Kontrolle!
Available for research at Artpool: Article
Bibliography: Napp, Antonia: Planet under Threat – the Environment and Destruction as Themes of East German Graphic Art, in: Außer Kontrolle! Farbige Grafik & Mail Art in der DDR / Out of Control! Color Prints and Mail Art in the GDR, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König, Köln, 2016, pp. 64–72.
Organizer(s): Hamilton, Richard
Date: 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalogs, Vol. 1–4
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, MACBA, Museo Reina Sofia
Available for research at Artpool: Vol. 2
Author(s)/Editor(s): Ferro, Antonio (ed.)
Publisher: Edizioni “Experimenta”, Naples, Italy
Date: 1977
Number of participants: 10
Document(s): Assembling
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Assembling
Author(s)/Editor(s): Schraenen, Guy
Publisher: Guy Schraenen éditeur, Antwerpen, Belgium
Date: 1977
Number of participants: 13
Document(s): Assembling
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Assembling
Organizer(s): Schraenen, Guy
Location: Galerie Kontakt, Antwerp, 1977; Stempelplaats, Amsterdam, 1978
Date: 1977–1978
Number of participants:
Document(s): Catalog
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool
Available for research at Artpool: Catalog
Author(s)/Editor(s): Grupo Texto Poetico – Bartolomé Ferrando
Publisher: Grupo Texto Poetico, Valencia, Spain
Date: 1977–
Number of participants:
Document(s): Issues
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Bonotto, Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: Issues
Organizer(s): Summers, Rod (V.E.C.)
Location: de Appel, Amsterdam, Holland
Date: 22 June, 1977
Number of participants: 25
Document(s): Call, Description
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, de Appel
Available for research at Artpool: Description
Bibliography: Meijden, Peter van der: Box Boxing Boxers. Mail Art Projects, Exhibitions and Archives, in:, 2014
“While still a student at the Jan van Eyck academy in Maastricht, Summers started a year-long project called VEC Secret Bureaucracy. The project ended with a performance at De Appel art centre in Amsterdam on 22 June 1977 during which he destroyed a mail art archive that he had built up during the preceding year.” Meijden, Peter van der: Box Boxing Boxers. Mail Art Projects, Exhibitions and Archives, in:, 2014
Organizer(s): Albrecht D.
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 1965–1977
Number of participants:
Source(s) of the listed documents: Artpool, Lomholt, Reflection Press
Available for research at Artpool: Bookwork
Organizer(s): Gaglione, Bill (Dadaland)
Location: San Francisco, California
Date: 1977
Number of participants:
Document(s): Call
Source(s) of the listed documents: Lomholt
Available for research at Artpool: