12 július 2023

Exhibition at Artpool Art Research Center

12 July - 4 October, 2023


Open on weekdays between 10 am and 5 pm, by appointment


accompanying event 27.09.2023, 5 pm 


Ben Vautier 80 - exhibition-event in Kapolcs organised by Artpool (2015)

video: Art is a Trap // Ben Vautier fluxus artist is 80 (2:30)


screened at the exhibition: lecture by Ben Vautier

The Limits of Art (Identity and Modermity)


Institut Français, Budapest, 24.09.1993


So the bars that close me up are my self-identity, and it’s perfectly normal if I am against them. I can also see the self-identities of all the other artists, so indirectly. I'm addressing them as well when I say:

The self, the ego, must be changed in order for art to change. (Ben Vautier)





Video interviews by the Hungarian TV:

Interview / Jonas Mekas interjú (6:29)

Interview / Yoko Ono Budapesten (4:42)

Tót Endre az Artpoolban (report) (1:20)

Ben Tér - Artpool, Liszt Ferenc tér (TV news) (2:01)


Jonas Mekas  ◼  Yoko Ono  ◼  Endre Tót  ◼  Ben Vautier

fluxus videos - artpool1993


Artpool's Guest: Ben Vautier (1/2) (9:45)


Artpool's Guest: Ben Vautier (2/2) (9:18)


Emmett Williams: Son of Man Trio, 1963 ◼︎  Endre Tót: I am reading a burning newspaper, 1972/74


Viktor Kotun: I am reading a burning newspaper, 2014  ◼︎  Viktória Monhor: I am reading a burning newspaper, 2016

George Maciunas  ◼︎  Robert Watts ◼︎  Robert Filliou ◼︎  Ray Johnson


Jaap Blonk: Flux de Bouche (excerpt) (9:20)


Paul Dutton: Audiovisual talk, Artpool 1993 (excerpt) (8:07)


Paul Dutton: Audiovisual Talk, Artpool, 1993. 09. 06.

Fluxus Flags (MTV, a Reggel) (3:09)  ◼︎  Fluxus Flags (Nap TV) (3:51)

Fluxus Flag catalogue  Endre Tót /H/  H.R.Fricker /CH/


Eric Andersen /DK/    Charles Dreyfus /F/    Luc Fierens /B/    György Galántai /H/

Anna Banana /CDN/    Buz Blurr /USA/    Július Koller /SK/

performance: Július Koller (3:51)


concert: Hejettes Szomlyazók / Subtitute Thirsters (3:23)

Dick Higgins at Artpool, 1993

Eric Andersen  ◼  Albert M. Fine  ◼  Dick Higgins  ◼  Jackson Mac Low

Laca feLugossy at LazaFlux event, 1993

LAZAFLUX events at BEN TÉR (1993)





Attila Nagy and the girls (7:04)


Endre Szkárosi - "diarém" (5:47)


Laca feLugossy - "I'm only interested in reality" (1:21)

Gábor Tóth excerpt from a piece by Christian Ide Hintze (5:13)


dr Béla Máriás and Bada Dada - "one and two..." (8:46)


Kada/Elek Is - "the cricket too" (9:02)



Budapest - Vienna - Berlin telephone concert (1983)

telefonkoncert / Concert Over the Phone



accompanying event:


Fluxus Film Anthology. George Maciunas' flying circus

Lecture/event with film excerpts organised by the Artpool Foundation

2023. szeptember 27., 17:00

Artpool Art Research Center


Maciunas, the director of the Fluxus group, collected all the humorous videos of the time - sometimes only a few seconds - from his friends and made a selection of them, from which we have selected an edition and other Fluxus film material collected by Artpool.

The one-hour presentation will include short, few-second films or extracts from world-famous filmmakers such as George Maciunas, George Brecht, Joe Jones, Yoko Ono, Ben Vautier, Robert Watts, etc.



Most of the projected films were made in 1966!

Some people find their modern design difficult to tolerate.


The films are selected and the event will be introduced / commented by Viktor Kotun


Background information (in Hungarian):


Kotun Viktor: Fluxus Film Antológia, exindex, 2008


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