Policy Workshop: Presentation by Júlia Klaniczay at the “Coordinating Policy Recommendations for Durable Action” organised within the framework of the Horizon 2020 COURAGE and DANDELION projects, Brussels
Nature doesn't make separate rules, it has great unified rules (Albert Szent-Györgyi)

NEP4DISSENT working group meetings
NEP4DISSENT (New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent) is an EU COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programme, in which several staff members of Artpool participate with their own research projects. Meetings of professionals are organised within the framework of the programme. Working group meetings were held in 2018 in Vienna, Prague, Berlin and Belgrade, in which ongoing research projects were presented and an attempt was made at coordinating these within the framework of the programme.
15–16 February 2018
The exhibition Hungary Can Be Yours (1984) and its rearranged versions (1989, 2001, 2002) – Presentation by Júlia Klaniczay at the meeting of Working Group 6 of NEP4DISSENT, Berlin
photos: Selma Rizvić
22–23 February 2018
Presentation by Kristóf Nagy and Gabriella Schuller at the meeting of Working Group 3 of NEP4DISSENT (A New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent), Vienna
5–6 March 2018
Presentation by Kristóf Nagy at the meeting of Working Group 2 of NEP4DISSENT (A New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent), Prague

Artpool P60, Budapest
“Péter Halász Archive” – finissage
closing event of the exhibition titled “Péter Halász Archive”, which opened on 7 December 2017
Péter Halász (1943–2006)was a founding member of the Kassák House Studio and the New York Squat Theatre. In autumn 1994 he organised a newspaper theatre series titled „Power Money Fame Beauty Love” in Kamra [Chamber] Theatre in Budapest
Facebook event

Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Notes From the Underground. Alternative Art and Music in Eastern Europe 1968–1994
The exhibition mounted in the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź in 2016 was rearranged in Berlin within the framework of the show titled “Underground+Improvisation. Alternative Music and Art after 1968”.
Curators: David Crowley and Daniel Muzyczuk
With the participation of Hungarian artists (György Galántai, Tamás Király, Katalin Ladik, Tibor Szemző, Zuzu-Vető, A.E. Bizottság) the exhibition explores the close and dynamic network of relations that developed between Eastern European visual artists and musicians during the communist era.
The exhibition includes four sound sculptures by György Galántai:
Directed Chance, 1985
Memory Mill, 1985
Oriented Half-Wheel, 1985
The Step Roots’ Motor, 1985
as well as the 1985 VHK Galloping Coroners) concert on Galántai's sculptures (Petőfi Events Hall)and the issues of Artpool Letter and Artpool Radio cassettes.
6 May 2018 - Akademie der Künste - Hanseatenweg, Berlin
DISKURS / DISCOURSE: Welcome to Hungary
Panel discussion with György Galántai, Júlia Klaniczay, Beáta Hock and David Crowley at the exhibition’s finissage.
Notes from the Underground, closing presentation with the participation of György Galántai, Júlia Klaniczay and David Crowley, moderator: Beáta Hock

Artpool P60, Budapest
One of the venues of the events of Literature Night is Artpool P60.
The idea of Literature Night started from Prague in 2006 and made its way to Budapest in 2016. The organisers devoted that night to providing the Hungarian public with an insight into the texts of mostly young contemporary authors that play an important role on the literature scene in and outside Europe, and thus inspire them to explore contemporary literature and thus better understand other cultures. In 2018 participants in the literary walk were able to visit exciting places in Budapest’s 6th district, often ones not open to the general public, such as Prezi, the Parish of Terézváros Church and Artpool P60. This year’s theme is love, rendered by the actors of Radnóti Theatre.

Artpool P60, Budapest
P60 / Gy50 Zsolt Gyarmati
A retrospective exhibition presenting a selection of works from the different periods of Zsolt Gyarmati was organised to mark the artist’s 50th birthday.
Opened by philosopher Márk Horváth, curator: Endre Lehel Paksi
“Zsolt Gyarmati’s They are beautiful icons that call on people – even through all overloaded post-human processors – to experience love unfolding into mad laughter, to love the end of the world and embrace annihilation, while enjoying what is un-necessary and enjoying the exuberance of art unleashed” Márk Horváth, exindex

Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
Curator: László Százados
Artpool’s contribution to the exhibition was providing support for the research and loaning the photographs and documents that can be seen in the above pictures.
The first photo shows László Százados, the curator of the exhibition. (photos: Dóra Halasi)

Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart - Berlin
Hello World. Revision einer Sammlung / Hello World. Revising a Collection
“The large-scale exhibition titled Hello World can be viewed in Berlin’s outstandingly important museum of contemporary art, the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart until 26 August. Subtitled Revision einer Sammlung (Revising a Collection), the show explores how a collection, which is fundamentally built on Western European and American material, can broaden its focus by presenting the art trends of other regions and adopting a transcultural approach. This question is lent especial relevance by globalisation coupled with the opportunities and dangers it entails. The core of the exhibition, presenting works by more than 250 artists and divided into 13 chapters, is provided by the 200 works selected from the Nationalgalerie Berlin’s own collection (the Hamburger Bahnhof is one of the museums belonging to the Nationalgalerie), and this is supplemented by 550 works loaned by other German and foreign collections. Each chapter is devoted to a possible approach to the collection and they seek to facilitate the establishment of the criteria that will be used to further develop the collection. The chapters of the exhibition have 11 curators, the chief curator being Udo Kittelmann, the director of the Nationalgalerie. Unfortunately, only a limited number of Hungarian works could be seen in this exhibition of a rather broad international scope: besides works by László Moholy-Nagy and Zoltán Kemény, those by György Galántai represented the generation of Hungarian artists still active today. His photo series of one of his own performances is exhibited in the chapter devoted to the alternative art trends of communist countries in Eastern Europe in the period between the 1950s and 1980s, showcased with the museum’s own material as well as works on loan mostly from the collection of the Moderna Galerija in Ljubljana; Galántai’s series also came to Berlin from Ljubljana.” [source]
György Galántai: Homage to Vera Mukhina, 1980 – The curator of the section where this project is presented (Sites of Sustainability / Pavilions, Manifestos and Crypts) is Zdenka Badovinac

Mediawave Film & Music Festival, Fortress in Komárom
Parallel Cultures Award ceremony
The decades of dedicated work carried out by Artpool’s founders (György Galántai and Júlia Klaniczay) was recognised at the Mediawave Film & Music Festival 2018 by the Parallel Cultures Award.
The award was presented by György Durst.

György Durst, Júlia Klaniczay and György Galántai

Wende Museum of the Cold War, Culver City, CA
Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Art and Culture in Cold War Hungary - Exhibition realised through the cooperation of the Getty Research Institute and the Wende Museum of the Cold War.
Curators: Isotta Poggi and Cristina Cuevas-Wolf
(Artpool contributed to the realisation of the exhibition by supporting the research as well as by loaning photographs and videos.)
The section in which Artpool was featured (György Galántai’s chapel studio in Balatonboglár and documents from various Artpool projects from the Getty collection) – Klára Palotai’s mobile photos

Book presentation
THE MUKHINA PROJECT - Interpretations of Being in György Galántai's Oeuvre
Book concept and design: György Galántai, edited by: Júlia Klaniczay
Vintage Gallery, 2018
The book’s apropos is the exhibition organised in the Vintage Gallery in 2017: György Galántai: 21 Photos from the Mukhina Project / 1980–83

Book review by Gabriella Schuller
Download the book here: The Mukhina Project pdf (34Mb)

Artpool P60, Budapest
Found Exhibition – Lemuel Gulliver’s Memory
Exhibition of the degree project of the students of fine art theory of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, based on the act of discovery.
Curators: Fruzsina Feigl, Zsanett Lépold, Péter Szörényi
Exhibitors: Ádám Albert, József Csató, Júlia Csernovszky, Kitti Gosztola, Tibor Gyenis, Implausible Works, János Iván Kárpáti, Dániel Kophelyi, Áron Kútvölgyi-Szabó, Antal Lakner, Zsolt Molnár, Viktória Monhor, Anna Peternák, Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák, György Szimán, Kata Tranker, Réka Vidra

FUGA, Budapest
Risk Factors. Archives of Cultural Opposition
Curator: Nikolett Erős
“Risk Factors presents a selection from both well-known and barely-known Hungarian and Central Eastern European archives, with a focus on the formation of the collections as well as on the objective of their creation and on their social and political environment – on how the documents of once hidden, marginalised or oppressed activities have been placed on the map of social memory in the last three decades or how they were removed from it.” artnews.hu

Further venues of the touring exhibition: Reduta Banku Polskiego, Warsaw (21 August–9 September 2018); Národní památník na Vítkove, Prague (19 September–14 October 2018); Pisztory Palace, Bratislava (November 2018); The Sighet Memorial Exhibition Space, Bucharest (December 2018)
The exhibition was realised within the framework of the following project: COURAGE (Cultural Opposition – Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries).

Artpool Art Research Center
Long Night of Museums in Artpool

‘Guided tours’ in the archive for groups of 12-15 by Dóra Halasi, Gabriella Schuller and Anna Szirmai, four times a day in 1.5-hour time slots
Long Night of Museums in Artpool

Artpool Art Research Center / Museum of Fine Arts - Alternative Art Space
exhibition, installation, video – curator: György Galántai

Exhibition titled MONEY AFTER MONEY in the Galántai House, selection from Artpool’s collection of artists’ money.
// sound sets, videos, Taoist sound portal //
Curator: György Galántai

What is behind the concept of “HOLONIC REALISM”?
This year’s exhibition event in Area 51 proposes and explores the concept of “HOLONIC REALISM”.
The kick-off theme looks at three cases of social identity:
First: Péter Halász’s newspaper-theatre series of autumn 1994 titled “Power Money Fame Beauty Love”.
Second: Péter Halász’s Kassák Theatre documents from György Galántai’s criminalised Balatonboglár Chapel Studio from 1973 (“Happening in the Crypt”).
Third: banned exhibition of 1984 titled “Hungary Can Be Yours / International Hungary” in connection to the report made by a III/III secret police agent, also linked to the Kassák Theatre.
In dialogue with this are three cases of personal identity, the original works of three artists: Zsolt Gyarmati’s (1968) pictures, János Kalmár’s (1952) sculptures and György Galántai’s (1941) ‘holon post’ banners
Curator: György Galántai
GUEST: ISBN – Book+Gallery
ISBN book gallery and Bea Istvánkó in Area 51

ERASMUS+. Art Archives Exchange – Educational Strategies for Contemporary Art Archives
A two-year European Union project that started in September 2018 (2018-2020). Archives participating in the project: basis wien (Wien), Artpool Art Research Center / Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest), Moderna galerija (Ljubljana), Archiv vytvarneho umeni (Prague), Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana al Romaniei (Bucharest).
The aim of the project is cooperation between the archives as well as familiarisation with and sharing of good archival practices, learning from each other, and helping art archives exploiting the opportunities of preserving and passing down of cultural heritage.
12–13 September 2018 - basis wien, Vienna

Júlia Klaniczay’s presentation on the Artpool Art Research Center at the project kick-off meeting and first, strategy development meeting.
Artpool was invited to participate in the European Art Net project, and as part of this we were guests at the annual assembly held in September 2018 in Vienna, where Júlia Klaniczay gave a brief presentation on the Artpool Art Research Center and its archive.
The objective of EAN is to coordinate and connect the databases of art archives. Joining it is the long-term interest of Artpool, but first it has to modernise its own database. The European art institutes in the project operate a joint database and also pay the costs of the annual assemblies.

Group photo of the participants of the European Art Net’s annual assembly
Project-partners: Andrea Neidhöfer, Helene Baur, Verena Lindner, Marc-Paul Ibitz (basis wien, Vienna), Anne Thurmann-Jajes (Centre for Artists’ Publications, Bremen), Birgit Jooss (documenta Archiv, Kassel), Anastasia Tarasova (Garage Archive Collection, Moscow), Kathrin Mayer (Institut für moderne Kunst, Nuremberg), Anke Schlecht, Claudia Jolles, Gerold Ritter (kunstbulletin / artlog, Zurich) Elke Purpus (Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln, Cologne), Jana Ferjan, Teja Merhar (Moderna galerija, sLjubljana), Daniela Daneliuc (MNAC National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest), Michael Schmid (SIK-ISEA, Zurich), Brigitte Jacobs van Renswou (ZADIK, Cologne);
Guests: Pavlína Morganová (Academy of Fine Arts, Prague), Barbora Špičáková (Archive of Fine Arts, Prague), Debora Rossi (Archivio Storico della Biennale di Venezia, Venice), Júlia Klaniczay (Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest), Gerd Zillner (Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation, Vienna), Christian Huemer (Belvedere Research Center, Vienna), Jürgen Enge (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Basel), Manuela Putz (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen, Bremen), Sonja Gasser (Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich), Marlene Hans, Hans Werner Poschauko (Maria Lassnig Foundation, Vienna), Anita Hopmans (RKD - Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, Den Haag), Katharina Neuburger (Skulptur Projekte Münster, Münster), Sabine Folie, Dagmar Schink (VALIE EXPORT Center, Linz)

acb Gallery, Budapest
Árpád Fenyvesi Tóth: Splendid Isolation exhibition
(Artpool helped the realisation of the exhibition by supporting the research as well as by loaning photographs and videos.)
Catalogue presentation at the finissage (Gábor Pados, Emese Kürti and Flóra Barkóczi)

Municipal Gallery – Kiscell Museum, Budapest
1971 – Parallel Nonsynchronism exhibition
The starting points for the exhibition are provided by two bodies of artworks, dating from the same period, that allow an insight into the events and the parallel activities of different generations of artists in 1971 and more broadly the period from 1968 to 1973 and thus drawing attention to the complexity of the fine art scene in the Kádár era.
One of the bodies of artworks is linked to László Beke’s Project Imagination/Idea 1971, which was first revisited by Artpool’s exhibition titled Impossible Realism in 2001 and its webpage.
The section “Context” exhibits the documentation of the Balatonboglár Chapel Studio, while the interview film made about it, titled Vacation is screened in the section “Looking Back”.
Curators: Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Zsóka Leposa, Enikő Róka, László Százados
Contributing artist: Tamás Kaszás
Coeffecients. Interview film made using the recollections of the participants and organisers of the project Imagination/Idea.

Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź
The Avant-garde and the State exhibition/p>
The Hungarian material linked to the exhibition was researched by Viktória Popovics. Her work was helped by Artpool through supporting the research and loaning photographs for the catalogue.

Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California, Berkeley, CA; and 28 March–28 June 2019: Mead Art Museum
Dimensionism: Modern Art in the Age of Einstein exhibition
organised by the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College, Amherst, MA
Curator: Vanja Malloy
Presentation of the exhibition by theartnewspaper.com

Vanja Malloy first visited Artpool in summer 2016 to research Charles Tamko Sirato and the Dimensionist Manifesto. We recommended that Oliver Botar, a recognised scholar of the field, be involved in the exhibition; he participated in the preparatory work carried out for the exhibition and the catalogue too.
The book published for the exhibition:
Dimensionism: Modern Art in the Age of Einstein
edited by Vanja V. Malloy; foreword by David Little
Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Amherst, MA / The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London,
England, 2018, 328 pp., illus. 56 col., 54 b&w.

The richly illustrated exhibition catalogue contains the English translation of The History of the Dimensionist Manifesto published in 2010 by Artpool and Magyar Műhely [Hungarian Atelier].

FUGA, Budapest
You Are Standing Here. Art Coordinates of Budapest 1968–1993 project within the framework of the exhibition titled Photo Month 2018 “Nagyváros brand / City Brand”
Research project on the use of urban space made by the students of the fine art theory BA programme of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts using art actions, performances, site-specific installations, video works and photo series from 1968 to 1993.
Exhibiting artists: István BÁLINT, Imre BENKŐ, Bruno BOUREL, Gábor CSÁSZÁRI, Dr Béla MÁRIÁS, Is ELEK, György GALÁNTAI, Miklós GULYÁS, Tibor HAJAS, Péter HORVÁTH, INCONNU, Gábor KEREKES, Tamás KIRÁLY, Zsolt KOROKNAI, Antal LAKNER, János SUGÁR, Tamás SZENTJÓBY, Bálint SZOMBATHY
Curators: Tiffany Farkas, Eliza Grisztel, Sára Krnács, Anett Enikő Polgár, Borbála Klára Szentimrey, Dominika Szőlősi, Gréta Tóth, Luca Úri Szűcs, Valentina Várhelyi
Consultants: Eszter Lázár, Anna Szigethy
The project was made within the framework of the seminar titled “Exhibition organisation practice”.
Two works by Galántai selected for the project:
– Heroes’ Square: György Galántai: HOMMAGE À VERA MUKHINA (with Júlia Klaniczay and G. A. Cavellini), 24 May 1980.
– 3 Kavics Street, Budapest: György Galántai: Fire Sculpture, 1985–1991

Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest
Kunst unter Bedingung – Von Budapest lernen (Art under Condition – Learning from Budapest) – seminar co-organised by HGB, Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig (Dr. Andreas Broeckmann) and the Intermedia Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. As one of the events of their study trip to Budapest, a group of about 20 persons from Leipzig had a meeting and discussion in Artpool.
The group of HGB, Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig in Artpool
The last photo shows György Galántai, Andreas Broeckmann and Júlia Klaniczay.
The seminar and study trip Art under Condition – Learning from Budapest explores the question that cannot be left unaddressed when talking about contemporary art in (and not only in) Budapest: what social, cultural, political and historical circumstances define the creation of art and culture as well as it presentation and reception.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest
The Cultural Heritage of Dissent. Final Conference of the Courage Project
COURAGE – Connecting Collections (Cultural Opposition – Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries). Three-year international research project (2016–2019) within the EU’s framework programme for research: Horizon 2020
The project will last until spring 2019.The closing conference was held in December 2018, where Júlia Klaniczay held a presentation, among others. The project and its results as well as the texts of the presentations are published in two volumes. The COURAGE online database, including information on Artpool’s most important collections relevant to the theme, is continuously being updated and will be completed in 2019.
28 November 2018 - Institute for Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
ARTPOOL: The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe – An “Active Archive” Producing, Networking, Curating, and Researching Art since 1970 – presentation by Júlia Klaniczay at the closing conference of the Courage Project as part of the panel discussion Cultural Opposition – Underground and Music

Our detailed account on research projects conducted in Artpool and the new acquisitions in our library are accessible here [in Hungarian].