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(Article About the young Johnson), 1945 (?)


Four Artists in a 'Mansion', in: Bazaar, USA, 1952 /05.


Johnson, Ray: The Paper Snake, The Something Else Press, NY, USA, 1965


Johnson, Ray: Follow Instructions Below, in: Arts, Vol. 46. No.2., NY, USA, 1971


Kozloff, Max: Junk Mail: An Affluent Art Movement, in: Art Journal, Vol. 33. No.1., NY, USA, 1973/ Fall, 27-30.

Johnson, Ray: Letter to Michael B. Corbett, in: Arts Canada, Canada, 1973/08.


André, Michael: Reviews and Previews: A Buddha University Meeting, in: Art News, Vol 73. No.3., NY, USA, 1974/03. 107-109.


Correspondence. An exhibition of the letters of Ray Johnson (catalog), North Carolina Museum of Art, 1976


Johnson, Ray: Why I Don't Make Sculpture Like Alexander Calder? For Norman Solomon, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York,USA, 1977

Johnson, Ray - Wilson, May : Invoice #4, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Spiselman, Toby R.: Ray Johnson Speaks in a Long Island Kitchen to Two Women, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, Bill: Grandma Moses of the Underground, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William: NY Correspondance School, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William: Ray Johnson, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William: Ray Johnson: Letters of Reference, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, NY, USA, 1977

Wilson, William S.: Correspondence. An Exhibition of the Letters of Ray Johnson, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William S.: Drop a Line, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William S.: Ray Johnson. Vibration and Reverberation, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books Press, New York, USA, 1977

Wilson, William S.: Reference and Relation, in: William Wilson (ed.): Ray Johnson Ray Johnson, Between Books, New York, USA, 1977 (Magyarul  William S. Wilson: Utalás és kapcsolat, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Friedman, Ken: Notes on the History of the Alternate Press, in: Lightworks, No.8-9., Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA , 1977/ Winter, 41-47.

Plunkett, Edward M.: The New York Correspondence School, in: Art Journal, Vol.36. No.3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 233-235. (Magyarul: Ed Plunkett: A New York-i Levelező Iskola, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Alloway, Lawrence: Ray Johnson, in: Art Journal, Vol. 36. No. 3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 235-236.

Russell, John: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol.36. No.3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 236-237.

Gablik, Suzi: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol. 36. No. 3., NY, USA 1977/Spring, 237.

Martin, Henry: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol 36. No. 3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 238-239.

Pincus-Witten, Robert: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol.36. No.3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 239-240.  (Magyarul: Robert Pincus-Witten (cím nélkül), Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Shaw, Karen: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol.36. No.3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 240.

Lippard, Lucy: Dear Ray...love, Lucy, in: Art Journal, Vol.36. No. 3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 240-241.

Mew, Tommy: Dear Diane, in: Art Journal, Vol. 6. No. 3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 241.

Spiselman, Toby R.: (Send Letters, Postcards, Drawings, and Objects...), in: Art Journal, Vol. 36. No.3., NY, USA, 1977/Spring, 241.


Delbeke, Randy - Spodarek, Diane: Ray Johnson, in: Detroit Artists Monthly, Vol.3. No.2., Michigan, USA, 1978/ 02. 3-9.

Lawson, Thomas: Ray Johnson at Brooks Jackson/ Iolas, in: Art in America, NY, USA, 1978/06-07. 126-127.

ffrench-frazier, Nina: Ray Johnson, in: Arts, Vol.52. No.10, USA, 1978/08. 8.


Crane, Mike: Ray Johnson (USA) 1929, in: Mike Crane (ed.): A Brief History of Correspondence Art (manuscript), published at: Running Dog Press, San Diego, 1979

Lista, Giovanni: L' Art Postal Futuriste, Editions Jean-Michel Place, Paris, France, 1979. 5-13.


Pieper, R.: Ray Johnson: Conversation with R. Pieper, in: Mail, Etc. Art (catalog), University of Colorado, the Tyler School of Art, Florida State University, 1980. 13-17. (Magyarul: R. Pieper telefonbeszélgetése Ray Johnsonnal , Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Field, Jim: An Introduction, in: Mail, Etc. Art (catalog), University of Colorado, the Tyler School of Art, Florida State University, 1980. 19-21.

Kántor, István: Introduction, in: Brain in the Mail. Mail Art Collection, Vehicul Arts, Montreal, Canada, 1980. 9-10.

Higgins, E.F. III: Argomento: America Mail Art, in: Arte Postale, Vol1. No. 6., Near the Edge Editions, Viareggio, Italy, 1980/03.

Moore, Barbara - Hendricks, Jon: The Page as Alternative Space - 1950 to 1969, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 1. No. 7., Franklin Furnace Archive Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1980/12. 1-7.


(An Interview with Ray Johnson Among Others - detail), 1981

Cohen, Ronny: Art and Letters: Please Mr. Postman Look and See... Is There a Work of Art In Your Bag For Me? in: Artnews, Vol. 80. No. 10., USA, 1981/12. 68-73.


Works by Ray Johnson (catalog), Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA, 1984

Lipman, Karin: Zapped by Cosmic Ray Johnson (article), 1984 (?)

Ruch, Günther (ed.): (The history of Mail Art) in: Clinch, Vol.1. No.5., Genf, Switzerland, 1984

Saltzman, Thomas A.: Preface, in: Works by Ray Johnson, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA, 1984. 5.

Bourdon, David: Ray Johnson Collages: Valentines/ Snakes/ Movie Stars, in: Works by Ray Johnson, Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY, USA 1984. 9-13.

Oisteanu, Valery: Illegal Mail Art. A Poetical Essay, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 4. Vo. 3-4., Franklin Furnace Archive Inc., New York, USA, 1984/ Winter, 11.

Oisteanu, Valery: Send No Ordinary Letters, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 4. Vo. 3-4., Franklin Furnace Archive Inc., New York, USA, 1984/ Winter,12.

Johnson, Ray: Ray Johnson Speaks.The Way It Was, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 4. Vo. 3-4., Franklin Furnace Inc., New York, USA., 1984/ Winter , 14-17.

Friedman, Ken: Mail Art History: the Fluxus Factor, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 4. Vo. 3-4., Franklin Furnace Inc., New York, USA, 1984/ Winter, 18-24.

Plunkett, Ed: From Pre- to Post-Postal Art, in: Franklin Furnace Flue, Vol. 4. No. 4, Franklin Furnace Archives Inc, New York, NY, USA, 1984 Winter, 4-7.

Martin, Henry: Should an Eyelash Last Forever? An Interview with Ray Johnson, in: Lotta Poetica, Vol.2. No.18, Verona-Napoli, Italy, 1984/02. 3-24. (Magyarul: Henry Martin: Egy szempilla örökké tarthat? Interjú Ray Johnsonnal, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Glueck, Grace: A Witty Master of the Deadpan Spoof, The New York Times USA, 1984/02/19. 29-31.


Welch, Chuck: Mail Art: Origins and Fluxus Factors, in: Networking Currents. Contemporary Mail Art:Subjects and Issues, Sandbar Willow Press, Boston, Massachussetts, USA, 1986. 6-11.

(Article About Ray Johnson's Prints in Honour of Duchamp - detail), 1987.


Johnson, Ray: Statement, in: That's What I Like About the West, Dahl Fine Arts Center, etc., Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, 1987


(Newspaper Articles on Ray Johnson's Art —details), 1988 (?)


Johnson, Ray: Ray Johnson in: Charles Dreyfus: Happenings and Fluxus, Galerie 1900-2000, Galerie du Genie, galerie de Poche, Paris, France, 1989. 100.

Held, John, Jr.: Die Netzwerkarbeit in der Mail Art der 80-er Jahre, in: Fricker, H.R. (ed): I Am a Networker (Sometimes). Mail Art und Tourism im Network der 80er Jahre, Vexer Verlag, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989. 77-85.


Pataki Gábor: Sugárkanyarok, in: Élet és Irodalom, Hungary, 1990/04.13.


Perneczky Géza: A háló, Héttorony Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, 1991. 55-57.

Held, John, Jr.: Mail Art: an Annotated Bibliography, The Scarecrow Press Inc., Metuchen, NY, USA, 1991. xv.-xxii.


(Article About Johnson's Show at the Hamilton College), 1992

Princenthal, Nancy: Artist's Book Beat (detail), (?) USA, 1992. 235-237.


(Press release of the exhibition of works by George Brecht and Ray Johnson) (?), Progetto Associazione Culturale, 1993

Perneczky Géza: The Magazine Network. The Trends of Alternative Art in the Light of Their Periodicals 1968-1988, Soft Geometry, Köln, Germany, 1993. 49-51.


Corroto, Marc - Gaglione, Bill: Roy Johnson, Fa Ga Ga Ga, Youngstown,Ohio, USA, 1994

Corbett, Michael B.: (Letter to the curators of the Fluxus exhibition at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art), 1994 /10. 04.

Hendricks, Jon (?): Fluxus Aufdecken - Fluxus Entdecken, in: Fluxus, Hansjörg Meyer Edition, Basel, 1994. 119- 38.

Aronsson, Gunnar M.: Ray Johnson, in: Mailed Art in Uppsala. Choosing Your Partner, Uppsala, Sweden, 1994. 26-29.

Baroni, Vittore: Ray Johnson: un ricordo del padre della mail-art, in: Neural, No. 3., Bari, Italy, 1994/03-04.

Brantigham, Barney: Museum Puts the Kibosh on Condom Man, in: Santa Barbara News Press, California, USA, 1994/09. 21.

Crowder, Joan: Censorship Charged in 'Fluxus' Exhibition; Elements Disappear, in: Santa Barbara News Press , California, USA, 1994/09.16

Crowder, Joan: Censorship Charged in 'Fluxus' Exhibition; Elements Disappear, in: Santa Barbara News Press, California, USA, 1994/09.16.

Leddy, Patty: Return to Sender, in: The Santa Barbara Review, California, USA, 1994/10.


Bloch, Mark: An Illustrated Introduction to Ray Johnson 1927-1995, at: http://www.panmodern.com/Ray.html, 1995

Oisteanu, Valery: Ray Johnson. An American Art Original, A's (Alene Schloss), NY, USA, 1995

Witta, Georgine Margareta: (Collages Using an Article on Ray Johnson), in: Mail Art, Vol. 123., Denmark, 1995

Phillpot, Clive: The Mailed Art of Ray Johnson, in: Chuck Welch (ed.): Eternal Network. A Mail Art Anthology, University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Canada, 1995. 25-32. (Magyarul: Clive Phillpot: Ray Johnson küldeményművészete, Artpool, Budapest, 1996)

Bloch, Mark: Rebel with a Clue. Ray Johnson, 1927-1995, in: Paper (?), NY, USA, 1995. 32.

Rose, Matthew: Inside Ray Johnson's House, in: Lightworks, Birmingham, Michigan, USA, 1995. 53-55.

Feigen, Richard - Rosenquist, James: The Riddler: Ray Johnson, in: Manhattan File, 13., New York, USA, 1995. 84.

Arte Postale! (Ray Johnson Memorial Issue) No 69., Near the Edge Editions,Viareggio, Italy, 1995/01.-02.

Bleus, Guy: Pray for Ray, fax publication, Wellen, Belgium, 1995/01. 22.

Whelan, Christa: (a letter) in: East Hampton Star, NY, USA, 1995/01. II-2.

Baroni, Vittore: (Ray Johnson Raymembered) in: Arte Postale! No.69. , Near the Edge Editions, Viareggio, LU, Italy, 1995/01-02. 2-11.

Gordon, Coco: The First Obituary of Ray Johnson He Cannot Edit or Change, 1995/01.14.

Seiden, Katie: Death of a Famous, Unknown Artist, in: Gold Coast Gazette, Vol.4. No. 21., Glen Cove, NY, USA, 1995/01.16. 13-14.

Winslow, Olivia: Pop Artist Ray Johnson, 67, Mysterious in Life and Death, in: Newsday, Long Island, NY, USA, 1995/01.17.

Vogel, Carol: Ray Johnson, Pop Artist Known for His Work in Collage, in: The New York Times, NY., USA, 1995/01.19.

Boyhan, Brian: Ray Johnson's Last Event, in: Sag-Harbor Express, NY, USA, 1995/01.19. 1-5.

Vogel, Carol: Ray Johnson, 67, Pop Artist Known for His Work in Collage, in: The New York Times, Obituaries, USA, 1995/01.19. B11.

R. M. - S. S.: Artist Found Drowned, in: The East Hampton Star, Vol.107. No. 23., NY, USA, 1995/01.19. I-1— I-2.

Pipelines, in: Locust Valley Leader, N Y, USA, 1995/01.20.
(Obituary), Magyar Narancs, Hungary, 1995/01.25.

Karppi, Dagmar Fors: Mystery Death for Pop Artist. LV Pop Artist Ray Johnson Called Suicide, in: Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot, Oyster Bay, USA, 1995/01.26. 3-29.

Trebay, Guy: Backstroking into Oblivion. The Riddle of Ray Johnson's Suicide, in: Village Voice, USA, 1995/01.31. 23-24.

Bleus, Guy: In a Memory of Ray Johnson (invitation for a fax project), Wellen, Belgium, 1995/02.

Johnson, Ray: Bunny Dead, in: Balkon, Hungary, 1995/02.

Hendricks, Geoffrey: (Letter to M. B. Corbett), 1995/02.03.

Marks, Peter: Friends of an Enigmatic Artist See a Riddle in His Death, in: The New YorkTimes, Metro, , USA, 1995/02.12.

P.O.Box (Ray Johnson Memorial Issue), Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03.

Evans, John - Buster Cleveland - Arturo Giuseppe Fallico - Picasso Gaglione - Carlo Pittore - Tim Mancusi - Bern Porter - Arto Posto: (Ray Johnson Memorial Issue, friends remembering R.J.) in: National Stampagraphic, Vol.13. No.3, Valley Stream, NY, USA, 1995/03.

Held, John, Jr.: Bunny Dead: the Mysterious Life and Dead of Ray Johnson and the Rise of the New York Correspondance School, in: National Stampagraphic, Vol.13. No. 3, Valley Stream, NY, USA, 1995/03.

Bibliography, in: P.O.Box, No. 7, Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 15.
Editorial. Ray Johnson 1927-1995, in: P.O.Box, No. 7., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 2.

Bloch, Mark: Ray Johnson 1927-1995.This time it's for Real, in: P.O. Box , No.7., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 3.

Marks, Peter: Friends of an Enigmatic Artist See a Riddle in His Death, in: P.O.Box , No.7., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 4.

Vogel, Carol: Ray Johnson, 67, Pop Artist Known for His Work in Collage, in: P.O.Box , No. 7., Merz Mail, Barcelona,Spain, 1995/03. 4.

Trebay, Guy: Backstroking into Oblivion. The Riddle of Ray Johnson's Suicide, in: P.O. Box Extra, No. 7., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 6.

Shepard, Richard F.: (detail of an article from the New York Times, April 1. 1974) in: P.O.Box, No. 7, Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1995/03. 10.

The Exhibitioner (Ray Johnson Memorial Issue), NY, USA., 1995/03-04.

Bellospirito, Robyn: Ray Johnson, in: The Exhibitioner, Vol.3. No. 2., NY., USA, 1995/03-04. 12-13.

Miller, Carol: My Buddha. For Ray Johnson, in: The Exhibitioner, Vol.3. No. 2., NY, USA, 1995/03-04. 15.

Corbett, Michael B.: Nothing, in: The Exhibitioner, Vol. 3. No.2, NY, USA, 1995/03-04. 18.

Ray's Last Show, in: The Exhibitioner, Vol.3. No. 2., NY, USA, 1995/03-04.16-17.

Carol Vogel: Ray Johnson, 67 anni, artista Pop, in: Net Informer, No.21., Genova, Italy, 1995/03.01.

Szombathy Bálint: Ray Johnson, a levelező, in: Élet és Irodalom, Hungary, 1995/03.03.

Hurt, Harry: A Performance-Art Death, in: New York Journal, NY, USA, 1995/03.06. 24-25.

Corbett, Michael B.: (Letter in Memory of Johnson), 1995/03.07.

Baroni, Vittore: Ray Johnson Raymembered, at: http://www.terra.es/personal3/tartarug/library/ref009.htm, 1995/03.15.

(invitation for a reading in memory of Ray Johnson), Unmuzzled Ox, NY, USA, 1995/04.

Bourdon, David: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mailman, in: Artforum International, NY, USA, 1995/04. 71- 111.

Pincus-Witten, Robert: Brother Ray, in: Artforum International, NY, USA, 1995/04. 71-111.

Paik, Nam June: Something about Nothing, in: Artforum International, NY, USA , 1995/04. 72-111.

Close, Chuck: Golf War, in: Artforum International, NY, USA, 1995/04. 73-111.

Johnston, Jill: Between the Buttons, in: Artforum International, NY, USA, 1995/04. 74-113.

Rosenquist, James: R.S.V.P., in: Artforum International, NY, USA, 1995/04. 75-113.

Broi, Gianni: Quello spirito folletto di Ray Johnson, in: Net Informer, No.69., Genova, Italy, 1995/04.01.

Honoria: A Good-bye Kiss, in: Net Informer No. 69, Genova, Italy, 1995/04.01.

Santini, Franco: Ray Johnson e la Mail Art, in: Net Informer No.69., Genova, Italy, 1995/04.01.

Tribute for Ray Johnson in: New York Times, USA., 1995/04.26.
Ray Johnson Memorial, in: Village Voice, USA, 1995/05.02.
Ray Johnson, in:Village Voice, USA, 1995/05.16. 2 .

Stevens, Mark Art: Pop Luck, in: New York, USA, 1995/05.22. 80.

Images of Ray Johnson: a Memorial Screening, (?) NY, USA, 1995/07.
MA (Ray Johnson Memorial Issue), No.13. Asociacion Mail-Artistas Espanoles, Madrid, Spain, 1995/10.

Cotter, Holland: Notes to the World (or Bend , Fold and Spindle), in: Art in America, USA, 1995/10. 100-105.

Bourdon, David: Cosmic Ray: An Open Letter to the Founder of the New York Correspondence School, in: Art in America, USA, 1995/10. 107- 112. (Magyarul: David Bourdon: Nyílt levél a New York-i Levelező Iskola alapítójához, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

(Mailing List of Participants to the 'Tribute to Ray Johnson' exhibition), in: MA, No. 13., Asociacion Mail-Artistas Espanolas, Madrid, Spain, 1995/10. 20.

Seiden, Katie: Ray Johnson. Work of New York's Most Famous Unknown Artist Continues in Sea Cliff, in: Boulevard, (?) USA, 1995/12. - 1996/1.

Lovelace, Carey: Two Appreciations. Some Intimate Moments and a Memorial, in: Newsday, Long Island, NY, USA, 1995/12.01.


Luther Blissett /pseudonym/: Ray Johnson: a Zapatista in Greenwich, (photocopy of an article /?/ sent by Tartarugo, Spain), 1996. (Magyarul: Luther BLISSETT: Ray Johnson - egy zapatista Greenwichben, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

Ray Is Still Living!, in: P.O.Box, Vol.3. No. 16., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1996/01.
(article about Le Forbici di Manitu) P.O. Box Extra, Vol.3. No.16 1/2., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1996/01.13.
Nel segno di Luther Blissett. Giovani in cerca di una nova identitá, in: P.O. Box, Vol.3. No.16 1/2, Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1996/01.13.
P.O.Box Extra (to remember Ray Johnson), Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1996/01.13.

Baroni, Vittore (ed): Arte Postale! (Ray Johnson 1927 - 1995) No.69 +3=72., Near the Edge Editions, Viareggio, LU, Italy, 1996/01.13.

Estetica del complotto, lezione no.4, in: P.O.Box Extra, Vol 3. No.16 1/2., Merz Mail, Barcelona, Spain, 1996/01.13. 4-5. (Magyarul: Az összeesküvés esztétikája, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)
Ray Johnson, in: San Francisco Chronicle, USA, 1996/01.19.


Kiss-Pál Klára: Luther Blissett, legenda a globális tudatlanságról, Artpool, Budapest (on line publication), 1997. (In English: KISS-PÁL Klára, Luther Blissett - A Legend of the Global Ignorance, Artpool, Budapest, 1997)

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