faktura is a work that explores a series of virtual environments, focusing on the infinite variety of forms and textures one might find. Morphing, evolving abstract and organic objects appear against a backdrop of evocative music that sets the tone and affect of each scene. The piece develops over a 9-minute time frame, yet presents a timeless, shifting and (perhaps?) disorienting experience to the viewer.
A number of generative processes were employed in the creation of the piece. For example, using the POVray scene description language, algorithms were created to extract a variety of parameters from an existing sequence of animation frames and to map that data onto the geometry of isosurfaces, which are mathematically derived surfaces that can be extruded in three dimensions. A similar process, called convolution, which applies the resonance characteristics of one sound file onto another, was used for the generation of much of the music. Sonic Foundry Acoustic Mirror and the Symbolic Sound Kyma System were used for the music.
The Russian term faktura has a variety of meanings, including one published in the 1923 Constructivist manifesto: manner of construction. Other definitions include surface quality and texture.