“... You can be the master of your boat but you are not the master of the whole blue sea.”
Audiovisual kinetic installation
You can be... is an audiovisual auto-active kinetic installation, based on ancient folk song from Croatian island Krk. It consists of object, sound, and live video animation. The object consists of 4 wind fans, 1 ping pong ball, 1 webcam and 1computer. The system is created, where the ball is being steered by the wind fans, according to the position of the ball which is being scanned by webcam and fed into the computer. The scanned position of the ball controls the activity of wind fans, and thus the ball controls the movement of itself. The process is continuous.
The object is actually a physical situation in which the verse of the folksong is being materialized by means of wind dynamics and generative software programming in a poetic way. It is a “low self-awareness” generative feedback loop system, which addresses the issue of (im)possibility of (self)control. That is achieved by employing paradoxical algorithm to steer the ball.
The title of the installation is a quote from a folk song from island KRK in Croatia. All the folk songs there are from ancient times before Christianity, and also musically have little to do with European western tradition on one hand, and occidental, Balkan tradition on the other hand. By using mechanization, wind dynamics and computer programming in a poetic way, the installation is literary materializing the meaning of the last verse of the song. It is retelling the ancient wisdom by creating a mechanical metaphor. The recording of original folk song is playing all the time. Every time new words appear on the projection, one can hear a very low percussive sound.